Animals Headcanon

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Eddie has a thing about animals, he'll try to act all cool but as soon as he sees a cute dog his eyes focus in and he'll tap you repeatedly.

"There's a dog! There's a dog! There's a dog!"

"Yes Eddie, I can see."

Eddie throws out some meat for the strays around the trailer park, as well as a bowl of water, but he doesn't want anyone but you to know he's a secret softie.

He introduces you to the local stray one night as he sneaks out to feed it and give it a scratch behind the ears.

"Meet Gandalf"

"Gandalf? Really, because it's grey?"

"No, because he has a thing about long sticks, wasn't it obvious?"

Eddie never had a family pet growing up, but I feel like one time he's had a goldfish because Wayne won one from the fair for him.

It died within a week because Eddie forgot to feed it.

It's name was Bubbles.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now