As A Parent Headcanon

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Eddie is so nervous to be a dad because his was so shitty and he never wants to he like him, so he relies on the way Wayne brought him up and this gives him confidence.

At first he's clueless, and just copies exactly what you do. But after a few months, he finds his rythym and begins incorporating his own parenting style.

Eddie loves telling the child stories he makes up, especially when the kid is a toddler/still young. Sometimes you'll find them both sitting in bed, Eddie voicing different characters as the child's eyes light up, devouring these tales of dragons and quests.

Eddie tries show his music to the child from a young age, from softly humming Metallica as he bottle feeds the baby, to then jamming out and dancing to Dio in the living room when the kids a bit older, Eddie really wants the kid to like the same things as him, but then again he's understanding if the child would rather sing Baa Baa Black Sheep...

Eddie's favourite thing to do is to go on walks with the child and give them a piggyback or let them sit on his shoulders as you panic and warn him to be careful. Eddie absolutely admires you still and even more once the child comes along, he's so happy to have his own family.

Eddie sometimes watches when you play with the kid, smiling as he wonders how lucky he is to have you as the mother to his child. He would do anything for you both.

Eddie still plays his guitar and with Corroded Coffin sometimes, so you and the child occasionally go and see his shows.

Dustin is practically the uncle to the child, cooing over it and sitting for hours teaching it different things as you and Eddie sit back and finally get some down time.

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