Imagine- Stick, Poke, Kiss

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AN: I've recently been stick and poking tattoos on myself and it's been so fun, but I do now have the randomest shit on my arms😂So I've tried to make this imagine as detailed as possible.

I sit on Eddie's bed, watching as he repeatedly pokes himself with a needle and ink on his arm. He's been at it for at least an hour and all I can do is watch, the itch to ask him for a tattoo growing and growing until I finally speak.

"Eddie, I want one...please." I smile my sweetest smile, knowing he can't say no to me.

He looks up from the floor, and lifts an eyebrow as he gazes at me. "Are you sure, it'll kinda be on you forever?" He asks, slight hesitancy in his tone. I shrug and roll of the bed, sitting opposite him crossing my legs.

"Think you can draw a little something for me?" I ask, reaching out and plucking up his notebook full of doodles which I presume are future tattoos. Eddie nods and takes the notebook from me gently, giving me a small smile.

"Okay, just don't look." He mumbles, leaning back as he begins drawing something in his notebook. Every time I try to peek over the book he waves me away and tuts.

Finally, he flips it around, showing me a tattoo idea that sums me up perfectly. My eyes widen as my finger traces the outline of the drawing, Eddie smiles and shyly asks "Is it okay?" I have no words, so I nod and hold out my arm.

"Okay, it might hurt a little, so tell me and I'll stop." He murmurs, setting up a new needle and ink pot. He gently grabs my arm and places it on his warm lap.

"Scoot froward." He tells me, so I move closer to him until our knees are touching. Eddie draws the stencil on with a handwriting pen since he doesn't have all of the equipment.

I watch with a smile on my lips as his tongue sticks out, his face full of concentration. Finally it's on, and he grabs the needle.

"Ready?" He asks, I nod and Eddie leans down, poking the needle into my skin. It doesn't hurt too much, feeling like hairs being plucked. Eddie looks up at me, his eyebrows knitted together on concern.

"Is that okay? Am I hurting you?" He softly asks. I shake my head and reply "It's not that bad, I'm okay."

Eddie sighs and nods more to himself, "My girls tough." My heart flutters at the statement as Eddie continues poking the design on, wiping the ink away every so often. He often look up at me, silently checking on me, but I'm fine, it's uncomfortable but bearable.

Near the end of the tattoo after an hour or two, Eddie leans down to add the smaller details, but his hair keeps falling in front of his face, so with my other hand I reach up and tuck it over his shoulder, smirking as he gets annoyed with it.

Finally, Eddie wipes it one last time and grins. "I thought you were hot before, but now you'"

I blush and playfully nudge him with my foot, looking down I see the tattoo on my arm, it's amazing and I absolutely love it.

"Thank you so much, I absolutely love it!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around Eddie who doesn't expect it. He laughs and pats my back as he moves the needle and ink out of the way.

"You're welcome, anything for you sweetheart. You did so well." He murmurs into my ear. Goosebumps trail down my body at his flirty tone, and I lean back and smirk at him.

"So, what do I owe you?" I whisper, leaning forward so my lips hover near his. Eddie's breathing becomes heavy as his eyes dart to my lips.

"I can think of a few things." He smirks before smashing his lips to mine, leaning forward with his body weight so I end up on my back with Eddie on top of me...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now