Imagine- Breakdown Support

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I sit anxiously in my bedroom, my leg bouncing as my thoughts race and race to the point I get so angry with myself I tear up.

I then feel angrier that I'm stupidly making myself cry, so I sit on the floor leaning against my bed and bring my knees up to my chest. I grab my pillow and yell into it as the tears finally break free.

Suddenly there's pounding footsteps rushing up the stairs and my door swings open to reveal a distressed looking Eddie, his eyes desperately scan the room until they settle on me, and his eyebrows immediately knit together as he rushes towards me, kneeling on the floor.

"Hey sweetie, why are you crying?" He coos, cupping my cheek with his ringed hand and brushing my tears away.

The comfort from him breaks my heart. I don't deserve this. I shake my head, opening my mouth but all that comes out is a sob. I throw the pillow harshly across the room, knocking something over on my desk.

Eddie's eyes widen momentarily before he grabs my arms and pulls me towards him. I try to wriggle away but he squeezes me harder, letting me sob into his chest until I can't breathe.

"I know, it's okay Y/N, breathe for me sweetheart, in and out." He softly mumbles into my hair as I struggle for air.

I try to breathe in and out, but can't seem to find the rhythm to do so. My chest tightens and Eddie pulls back, leaning his forehead to mine he stares into my eyes and mimics the breathing exercise.

"Come on, I know you can do it." He whispers with a small smile. I nod and copy him, focusing on my breathing.

We stay like that until I'm a little more settled, my shoulders no longer shake but I do begin to shake from the overwhelming breakdown.

Eddie grabs my blanket and cocoons me in it ET style, pulling it over my head and wrapping it around my chin so only my face sticks out. He gently presses a kiss to my forehead and holds my hands, rubbing circles on the back of them.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Eddie asks lifting an eyebrow.

Option A: I tell him all about what's been stressing me out and what caused my emotions to get out of control. He listens intently and tries to give me advice. After he helps me up and he helps me into bed, grabbing me snacks as he reads to me.

Option B: I shake my head, not wanting to talk. Eddie nods understandingly and scoots next to me, pulling me onto his lap he holds me close to his chest. He grabs my Walkman that's nearby and tucks the headphones around my neck, we both listen to the music as he tucks my hair behind my ear and gently rocks me to a calm state.

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