Imagine- Big Secrets PT 1

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"Anyone want a beer?" Eddie asks as we all sit in Steve's living room, it's a few months after the whole Upside Down thing and we've all decided to take some down time and have a little adult get together.

Steve nods and stands up, heading to the kitchen as Robin and her girlfriend head outside, both of them grabbing at each other.

Eddie begins walking past me, but then he turns around, crouching down as he wraps his arms around me. "You sure you don't want one?" He murmurs.

I shake my head and smile, leaning my head back and pressing a kiss to his cheek. He smirks and gives me a squeeze, standing up and leaving me and Nancy alone.

I turn back to the board game on the floor, toying with the dice as I place a hand over my stomach.

Nancy smiles at me knowingly and I quirk an eyebrow at her. "What?" I ask.

She shrugs and sits up straight, pulling at the carpet as he asks "Does he know?"
My eyes widen momentarily. How does she know? I haven't told anyone.

"Know what?" I ask, playing it cool as I avoid her eyes, acting casual. She scoffs playfully and looks to the empty doorway before leaning in towards me.

"Does he know about the baby?" She grins, pointing at my stomach. I blank for a minute, the fact still shocks me even after a few weeks.

There's no point arguing, so I shake my head and sigh, leaning back to get more comfy. "I'm scared to tell him, I don't know how he'll react." I admit.

Nancy nods and juts out her lip. "I get it, and I know you're both pretty young for this kind of thing, but is keeping it from him really the best idea? He'll figure it out sooner or later, besides, he's so in love with you I imagine he'll be over the moon."

I smile and rub my stomach, already feeling protective and maternal. "How did you know?" I ask, gesturing down.

"You've been acting off lately, not coming to parties and taking a few days off from the school paper which you never do, plus you keep putting your hand on your stomach so I figured..." She explains, scooting next to me and wrapping an arm around me.

I purse my lips together and smile, "Yeah, I guess I'm not hiding it well."

She presses her head to mine and squeezes me. "I'm so happy for you, I know the baby is going to be adorable!" 

I laugh, feeling warm inside that she's my best friend. "How do I even tell Eddie?"

She shrugs, "Just speak to him tonight, or when he's sober, just make sure you're both alone because he's a bit dramatic, but I mean, he's half the reason for all this, right?"

I open my mouth but burst out laughing, "Yeah, but it was worth it." Nancy laughs with me, even when the others come back in and give us weird looks.

"Something happen?" Eddie asks, a smile tilting his lips. I shrug and pat the floor beside me, grinning as he sits down and slips an arm around my waist, his hand lingers over my stomach and I smile to myself...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now