Imagine- Afford- PT 2

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Previously: Eddie keeps buying Y/N expensive gifts, which led to an argument between them when she questions if he's dealing again. Eddie says something hurtful and storms off, leaving Y/N devastated...


After leaving me alone and shocked in the library, I lack up my things and head to class, my mind elsewhere for the rest of the day. As soon as the bell rings, I've made up my mind to not give up on Eddie.

I mean sure, he said something that hurt me, but I know his actions mean well, and though he promised to stop dealing, I know he struggles with drugs sometimes. It doesn't help that students often seek him out for that reason, even when Eddie stopped dealing.

The first place I try to look for Eddie is the drama room, where he'd often hang out planning things for Hellfire Club, bit he's not there. Next in desperation I look for Dustin, who has no idea where Eddie could be.

"Why'd you have to question it? Can't you just be happy with the nice stuff?" Dustin says as I walk away. I turn and shake my head, replying "You'll understand when you're older." Yeah, dick move I know.

After that, I sigh and drive to Eddie's trailer. His van is parked outside, but when I knock on the door there's no response. I wait for a few minutes, about to give up when a voice calls from the trailer across from Eddie's.

"He went into the woods looking pissed." Max Mayfield tells me, pointing to the opening of the woods where people often walk their dogs.

I nod and give her a smile, but she's already turning back and heading inside. I quickly make my way through the bushes, avoiding stepping in anything or being hit in the face with stray branches.

"Eddie!" I call out, looking around as I walk into a wider space. There's no sign of him, and I feel tired and distraught.

With no hope and the sun rapidly going down, I slump down a tree and bring my knees up to my chest, letting the tears finally fall. A few seconds later a twig snaps and I look up to see Eddie standing in front of me a few meters away.

His eyes are red rimmed and his hair is messier than ever, as if he's been pulling at it. "I should have told you. I never should have lied or got defensive with you, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you." He mumbles, his voice thick with tears.

I nod and wipe my own eyes, watching as Eddie comes and sits beside me, leaning against the thick tree. "My life's falling apart and all I can do is watch, sometimes I wonder if I'll end up like my dad..."

I frown and turn to face him, "Eddie, you're trying your best, yeah you're a dumbass sometimes and don't think before you do, but you are nothing like your father, you're kind and try to do the right thing, even if it's not exactly legal."

Eddie scoffs so I reach a finger up and poke his cheek. He looks at me with wide eyes, his lips tilting up in the smallest smile.

"Did you just poke me?" He asks in disbelief and humour.

"Yes, but that's not the point. You're my boyfriend and you lied to me, so you need to make up for that. Also, you're wrong, my parents buy me things instead of loving me because that's all they know, at least you have something real with Wayne." I say, meeting Eddie's eyes as he nods with understanding.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I just love you so much, you deserve so much more." Eddie murmurs, finding my hand and linking our fingers together.

I give him a small smile as the sun shines through the trees, lighting up our faces. "I love you too, just please stop dealing, if something happened to you-" I break off.

"Okay, I swear I'll try." Eddie says with determination. I lean my head on his shoulder as a peaceful silence takes over, but then Eddie taps my leg. I look up to see a wildflower in Eddie's hands.

"You said you liked the meaningful things, so I picked you this." He murmurs, smiling down at me.

I grin and take it from him, before reaching up and pressing a delicate kiss on his cheek. "Thank you my love."

Eddie leans his forehead to mine as he whispers "I'm not rich and I can't afford a lot, but you're worth so much more to me than anything, I love you sweetheart."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now