Imagine- Textbook Romance

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"You'll have to share." The teacher says as she hands out the books. I glance next to me at the empty seat, then look around the classroom as everyone has a partner to share with. With a sigh, I'm about to raise my hand until the chair beside me scrapes and Eddie Munson sits down.

"I guess we're partners." He smiles, putting the textbook in the middle of the table. The scent of cigarette smoke and laundry detergent fills my nose, the contrasting smell almost as confusing as the man next to me.

"Yeah." I mumble, turning to the right page and opening my notebook to start writing down the things I need.

"I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" Eddie asks, leaning his head in his hand as he rests an elbow on the table.

I turn to look at him, and see genuine concern in his face. I shake my head, "No, I'm sorry, I'm just not good with people."

He nods in understanding before grabbing his pencil and beginning to doodle in his notebook. "I'm not exactly a people person either, I mean most people don't want to talk to me."

I look at the teacher who is marking papers, oblivious that hardly anyone in the class is actually doing the work.

I rip out my notes and pass them to Eddie with a smile. "I'll copy them again, I figured you'll need them since you haven't written a single thing."

He takes the paper slowly, eyeing me the whole time as he folds it up and places it in his pocket.

"I don't suppose you put your number on it?" He asks with a nervous smile. My mouth tilts up as I shake my head.

Eddie's eyes narrow as he quickly scribbles something and passes it to me. "Well here's mine, you know, if you wanted to talk or whatever."

I take it and mutter a thanks. "You don't seem like the type of person everyone makes you out to be."

Eddie shrugs and stops his scribbling, "That's because it's easier to judge someone than it is to actually get to know them."

I raise my eyebrows and nod slowly, understanding what he means. "Yeah, I get it."

Eddie smirks, "So you're not really a studious perfectionist?"

I open my mouth to argue, but stop when he chuckles. Oh, it's a joke. I laugh and point my pencil at him. "I hope you're not a vampire because I'll actually impale you with this pencil if you keep going."

He holds his hands out in a surrender, dimples appearing as he grins. "No need to resort to violence"

The bell outside rings and I begin to pack up my things. Eddie opens his mouth to say something but I'm already waving a goodbye and walking out of the door.

"Hey!" Eddie shouts, waving a hand as he rushes down the corridor. I stop and turn around with a confused expression.

"Will you help me pass this class?" Eddie asks, his head tilted to the side as he leans agasint the lockers.

I bite my lip then nod, but point a finger at him. "You're not doing this just to spend time with me, are you?"

He shakes his head with a wide grin, "Absolutely not."

After a few moments I nod my head, and he bows before I walk away.

"Until tomorrow m'lady"

I roll my eyes but smile anyway, wondering where this is going to go.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now