Imagine- Afford- PT 1

563 11 3

For the last few weeks, Eddie has been absolutely splashing out on buying me gifts and taking me out, he's unusually happy and carefree about his finances, which is the complete opposite to how he was when we first got together.

I sit in the library, a romance novel in my hands and completely consumed by my book. All of a sudden hands cover my eyes, I jump and begin to grab them, until I hear Eddie's familiar laugh.

"Eddie, you have be a heart attack!" I exclaim, earning a look from the librarian as she walks past muttering. Eddie takes the seat beside me, so I turn and face him as I place my book down.

"I got you something." Eddie says happily, grinning as he pulls a small box from his pocket. My eyes follow the gift as he places it in my hands. Eddie watches eagerly, his chin tilts down as he waits for me to open it.

"Thank you..." I quietly mumble, not unappreciative but more concerned. I open the box and gasp when I see an expensive looking necklace wrapped in tissue paper.

My mouth opens and closes as Eddie grins, "You like it?" He asks. I nod slowly as my eyes take in the silver and gems. Without a word I put the lid back on and slide it back to him on the table.

"Thank you Eddie, but I can't accept this, it's too expensive." I mumble, feeling guilty and worried.

Eddie's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "It's fine, It didn't cost too much...kind of..."

I shake my head and look around before taking a deep breath and finally asking the question I've been dreading. "Eddie, how are you getting all this money all of a sudden? The band doesn't make a huge amount and I know you don't have another job..."

Eddie leans back, stiffening as he narrows his eyes. "I've just been doing odd jobs."

He's purposely not answering the question, which makes me angry rather than sad. I know the answer deep down but I don't want to accept it. "You don't think I'm that fucking dumb do you?"

Eddie huffs a sarcastic laugh but his face falls. "I know you're not, but aren't you happy that you're getting all these stupid gifts, I mean that restaurant we went to last week wasn't cheap."

"Exactly! Eddie, when we started dating you used to be more thoughtful, you'd pick me flowers rather than rings, we'd have picnics rather then expensive dinners," I sigh as tears prick my eyes, "Why are you dealing again?"

Eddie's mouth opens and closes, as if he's contemplating lying to me, but instead he snatches the box up and stands up, "So you liked be before but not now?"

I frown and shake my head, standing up with him as students begin to stare. "No, I love you, but I thought you promised to stop dealing, it's too risky."

Eddie scoffs as I grab his arm, but he shrugs me off and backs away. "Yeah, well I don't have parents to buy me shit at the click of my goddamm fingers!"

With that, Eddie storms away, leaving me shocked and devastated.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now