Imagine- Sister Shouts

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I sigh and turn the page of my magazine as my sister rambles on and on about her boyfriend and their date tonight, she turns to me and glares whilst brushing her hair.

"Are you even listening to me!" She shouts, slamming her foot down like a five year old. I raise my eyebrows and slowly lower my magazine.

"Yeah, you're talking about your boyfriend, uh, Jason from basketball?" I guess, lying.

She huffs and launches the hair brush at me, I move just as it hits the pillow behind me. "Jason is my ex! I'm with Eddie now!"

My eyes widen as I stare at her, "You mean Eddie Munson? DnD nerd Eddie? High school freak Eddie?" I exclaim, hating that last part.

My sister nods as if it's the simplest thing to understand, but I still can't wrap my mind around it. Surely not. I mean, my sister would never go for Eddie, she's too...popular.

"Anyway, it's not real, I mean for me. My girls dared me to go out with him for a month, so I'm doing it. Don't tell anyone but I'm secretly seeing Patrick too-" She says, but I frown at her and stand up.

"You can't do that." I sternly say, crossing my arms as she gives me a withering look.

"Excuse me?" She asks, crossing her arms too. I shake my head and sigh, "Eddie's a good guy, you shouldn't just go out with him because you're bored."

She laughs in my face and waves me off, turning back to the mirror to check her makeup. "Whatever, it's not like you like him."

I stay quiet, but I've made a terrible mistake in doing so. She slowly turns to me and gives me a horrified expression, as if I've stepped on a puppy. "Oh my God, shut up!"

A small blush forms on my cheeks just as the doorbell rings. "That's him." She whispers, her eyes darting to the her bedroom door as we both stand still.

"I'm telling him the truth." I blurt out. "Don't you dare." She says through gritted teeth. We stay in a silent showdown until the doorbell rings again, then all hell breaks loose. We both rush out of the door, barging each other down the stairs and finally crash into the front door.

I fiddle for the handle as She tries to lock the door, but I nudge my hips into hers and she goes flying. I open the door wide to reveal a confused looking Eddie Munson with his hands in his pockets.

"Uhh, everything okay?" He mumbles with a small laugh. My sister appears and elbows my ribs secretly, putting on a sweet smile.

"Of course, shall we go?"

I scoff and stand up just as she walks out of the door. "Shes lying. She's only going out with you for a bet, I'm sorry to tell you this way." I rush out, walking towards Eddie and my sister whilst I leave the front door open.

Eddie looks between my sister and I, then steps back from her. "Really?" My sister pouts but sees it's not working, so she huffs and flips her hair. "Can't we pretend to date?"

Eddie's eyebrows raise to the sky as I burst out laughing, doubling over in the grass. Eddie chuckles at my hysteria and my sister slams her heel down in annoyance.

"Fine, you know what, you're both made for each other, why don't you two go out!" She shrieks before turning back to the house and slamming the door shut, I hear the lock turn and sigh unbothered.

Eddie looks at the door then me. "She's just locked you out." He says plainly. I shrug a shoulder and point to the drain pipe leading up the house.

"Nothing she hasn't done before, I can use that to get up." I say. Eddie stares at me for a minute before shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't suppose you wanna grab something to eat before climbing up?" He softly mumbles, looking shy.

I nod and give him a reassuring smile. "I'd love to."

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