Imagine- D&D Directions

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AN: I created my first D&D character today with the essentials box I bought online. I can't wait to play it!

Eddie scribbles furiously at his notebook, his tongue peeks out of his mouth as he concentrates. I smile at him from across the bed, watching his eyebrows knit together.

"Eddie?" I drawl, poking a foot at his leg, he looks up at me expectantly and I almost back out. "Teach me how to play DnD?" I say with a smile.

Eddie's eyes widen as he drops the notebook, he leans forward as if to say something, but then immediately pulls back and tilts his head, looking at me as if I'm about to laugh. "Are you messing with me? You've got to be because every time I've asked before you've always turned me down."

I shake my head, grabbing a nearby D20 and rolling it between my fingers. "I'm serious, I'm ready to learn."

Eddie grins and stares at me with a goofy expression for a second, before hopping off the bed and throwing himself to the floor, reaching under the bed for a box of DnD stuff.

"So first you've gotta create a character, I'll help you with it, then I'll explain the rules to you, but there's a lot, you're a smart girl I'm sure you'll pick them up quickly, after that we can start getting together with Hellfire to level you up and-" Eddie rambles without even taking a breath.

I chuckle and gently grab his chin, "Breathe," I laugh as Eddie takes the biggest inhale, "good, now one thing at a time, I'm already lost."

Eddie nods and grabs some paper and pens, he climbs behind me on the bed and passes me a sheet filled with boxes to fill in. I look at it with confusion, none of it makes sense to me.

"So first you pick your class, race and alignment." Eddie mumbles, smiling as he wraps his arms around me from behind, pointing at the top section of the paper. I lean back and rest my body against his.

"Can I be an elf?" I ask excitedly. Eddie shrugs then nods. I write down Elf in the box and flick through a book as Eddie tells me, following his instructions.

Two and a half hours later I'm finally done. I smile down at my character sheet and look up at Eddie, who looks proud. "That was actually so much fun, I can't wait to go make friends with some dragons!"

Eddie chuckles and kisses my temple, "Yeah, I think most people want to slay the dragons sweetheart."

I wave my hand, dismissing the idea as Eddie plucks the paper from me and puts it in the box. I watch as he carefully puts the box on the floor, then suddenly he's tackling me on the bed, kissing behind my ear which always tickles.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now