Approval Headcanon

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If you're dating Eddie, he's not exactly the most well liked person in Hawkins, so your parents/friends probably won't approve of your relationship.

Eddie doesn't care, he loves you and that's what matters to him.

You'll both have to keep your relationship on the down low, having small dates in places nobody goes, probably at Lovers Lake or at Eddie's trailer when everyone's at work or asleep.

Eddie loves showing you physical affection, so at school he'd 'accidentally' bump into you, or drag you in a corner so he can kiss you.

He also loves giving you small gifts, probably things he finds or makes. He gives you a guitar pick necklace like his, and you wear it all the time under your clothes. Eddie has a habit of leaving small gifts in your locker at school.

Your friends keep trying to set you up with some jocks, and Eddie gets pretty jealous, but he knows you'd never betray him like that. He'd stare at you from across the cafeteria and wink, or when you both make out he'd mumble things like "You're mine" and "I'm never letting you go", it sounds possessive but he means well.

Eddie is absolutely fascinated with you, and you both know you'll make it work until you're ready to make it public.

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