Haircut Headcanon

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Eddie used to have a buzz cut because his father didn't like him having long hair. His father often verbally abused Eddie about it and threatened to kick him out if he didn't cut it.

When Eddie first started living with Wayne he'd keep cutting his hair, on his own since he was too scared to ask Wayne for a trip to the barbers (Eddie felt like he was a burden already).

Wayne one day asked why Eddie never changes his hairstyle or lets it grow longer than a certain length. Eddie knew Wayne wasn't like his dad, so he began growing his hair. Sometimes Wayne would mention to Eddie that his hair was getting long and Eddie would panic, but then Wayne would say something like "It's your hair, do what you want with it."

Eddie still trims his own hair, often terribly, but he's happier now he has longer hair. His confidence has risen and even though the bangs are awkward to deal with, he secretly takes pride in his look. (It's more of a personal development thing than it is an ego thing).

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