Imagine- You're Mine, I'm Yours

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I rub my palms over my face, pressing my fingers against my eyelids to ease the headache forming. I sigh and stand up from my bed.

"You don't have to act so chill, I know you're just bottling it up like always." Eddie mumbles, sitting on the end of the bed, playing with his rings.

I turn to look at him, eyebrows raised at that little dig. "So what do you want me to do Eddie, lash out?" I snap, throwing my arms up as I walk to my door and back, pacing nervously as I feel the tension build and build.

"Shit, maybe, I'm not exactly happy with it either!" Eddie finally snaps back, and I  know he's angry now since he hardly ever gets mad at me.

I roll my eyes as I find an interesting piece of cotton to pull at, anything to avoid his eyes. "Maybe you should ask one of the girls you deal drugs with to help you out." I mumble, instantly regretting the thought and my stupid mouth.

Eddie stands up and lets out a fake laugh. Crossing his arms he walks over to me, but I move away and his face falls.

"I've seen the way they look at you, even if you don't have any drugs to deal anymore, I can guarantee they'll find some excuse to be near you." I say, lifting my eyes to meet his frown.

"That's bullshit, I don't give a shit about them Y/N, you know I only have eyes for you." He tells me, placing his hands on either side of my face and forcing me to look up at his brown eyes.

"Is it because I'm useful to you? I mean I do your homework and treat you like a fucking child, so is that why you have eyes for me? I think you get your things and leave " I whisper, and he takes a step back as if I've slapped him.

He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, muttering to himself before heading past me and downstairs. I instinctively follow as he grabs his jacket from the couch and shrugs it on. He turns around to me, a sad look on his face, but then it changes to determination.

Eddie prowls towards me and quickly grabs my middle and puts me over his shoulder, a hand on my ass as he walks towards the front door.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shriek, gripping onto him so I don't fall.

"You said it yourself, I'm getting what's mine and I'm leaving. You're mine and I'm yours, and we don't do this shit." Eddie replies as he struggles to hold onto me and open the door at the same time.

"Eddie, put me down!" I say sternly, but a small smile tilts my lips at this sudden interaction.

Eddie obliges, slowly letting me down and holding my hips as he places my feet back on the floor, his hands stay on my hips as I look up at him.

"We don't do this shit." Eddie repeats, this time in a mumble as his eyes dart to my lips.

My eyes will with tears as I see the amount of love and admiration he has for me on his face, and I nod. "I'm so sorry I overreacted Eddie, I'm sorry I got jealous, I just get so scared that you'll realise there's other girls out there who are so much better than me." I sob, wrapping my arms around his middle as I cry.

Eddie shushes me and rubs my back, his arms a strong and steady defence against my wave of anxiety and sadness.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry too. I fucking love you so much and I wish you knew how much you mean to me, I want you just as you are, for being smarter and braver than I ever could be. I know you do my homework and shit and I appreciate it so much, but I want you to know that you're so much more than that. You're the love of my life and the future Mrs Munson, hell you're the reason I even go to that shitty school." Eddie says.

I lean back as his thumbs wipe away my tears, "Marriage huh? I didn't think you were that kind of person." I say, trying to lighten the mood with a watery smile.

"Me either, but then I found you and knew I had to find some way of keeping you around forever." He smirks and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

I nod and breathe him in, savoring his scent and feel. "Let's go back upstairs." I mumble, and he grabs me again and carries me to bed.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now