Crying Headcanon

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Eddie gets a little overwhelmed sometimes, and since he feels a lot, he does cry sometimes.

It'll be when he's alone, after a stressful day or when things just get too much he'll just slump down on the floor and let the tears fall.

He brings his knees up to his chest as he cries, then wipes the tears away, mumbling something like "Pull it together man" or "You're okay now" to himself.

If you're with him, he's less inclined to cry since he wants to act tough with you, but if you've been dating long enough or its just too much for him, he'll cry whilst hugging you.

He hates people seeing him upset, so he'd just dig his head into your neck or lap and let it out. It's the one time he allows himself to be one hundred percent vulnerable.

After he laughs about it, and doesn't like to talk about the previous moment, but he knows you won't use it against him, and loves you for it.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now