Imagine- Falling Hard

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I wince as a stab of pain shoots through my ankle, earlier whilst we were running for our lives away from the Demobats I twisted my ankle and went down like a sack of potatoes.

"Are you sure you can walk?" Steve asks me, briefly turning around as we head to Nancy's weird Upside Down house.

I nod and fake a smile, Steve doesn't catch it though since he's already ahead, side by side with Nancy and Robin.

"I think someone's telling lies." Eddie sing songs, a small smile tilts his lips but I can tell he's actually concerned. Or scared. Honestly, it's probably both.

I frown and try to walk faster, but once again my ankle gives up and I end up falling forward. I wait for the harsh impact, but it never comes. Strong hands wrap around my waist and pull me to a warm chest.

"Jeez, I didn't know you were falling that hard for me." Eddie mumbles into my hair. I huff and try to stand up, but it seems like I've done more damage. Shit.

The others are too far ahead to notice, so I sigh and look around, seeing nothing but trees and creepy as shit vines tangled on the floor.

"Look sweetheart, I really don't want to be lingering about with the monsters and shit, so how about you stop being such a princess and let me carry you." Eddie sighs, raising a single eyebrow as I grumble.

"Princess? Are you serious, I'm not even complaining so I don't see what your issue i-" I begin, but Eddie's already scooping me up with a grunt and speer walking to catch up with everyone else.

I wrap my arms around his neck and cling on for dear life. Eddie smirks and shakes his head. I narrow my eyes at him as I ask "What's so funny Munson?"

He opens his mouth then closes it, as if he's contemplating what to say, but them he finally replies "Nothing. I just didn't think you'd be so clingy. You remind me of a dog at the trailer park."

I practically shout "Excuse me! You're comparing me to a stray?" My voice echoes and I almost forget where we are.

Eddie frowns and looks at me briefly, before stumbling over something. I squeeze tighter and prepare for impact, but he catches himself and laughs it off as I grit my teeth.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it, I just meant you're...uh, likeable?" He says, his voice fades as silence grows between us.

"Thanks, I guess." I murmur after a few minutes as Nancy's house comes into view. Eddie shrugs and hefts me up again as his arms loosen their grip. I look into his eyes as he smiles and holds me closer to his chest.

"Now isn't the time for sweet gestures guys!" Robin calls out. Eddie clears his throat as I look away, suddenly feeling awkward.

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