Imagine- Alone Time

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My uncle and I step into the trailer, I hold the door for him as he carries the beer through, setting it on the coffee table as Wayne Munson claps him on the back.

They've been great friends for a while, and tonight is their monthly hangout. My uncle offered to pay for me to go see a movie or buy some food for me to stay at home, but I'm fed up of doing the same thing every month. However, they have been valid ways to avoid the one person here I don't want to see.

Eddie Munson. We don't exactly see eye to eye, and even though we've been forced to spend time together before, it's always ended in arguments.

"Eddie's in his room if you wanted to go talk to him." Wayne suggests in a tone that feels more like a command.

I nod, and with a inhale I walk past the kitchen and knock on Eddie's door.

"Try not to cause any fights, or do anything else!" My uncle shouts with a pointed look on his face.

I give him a salute just as Eddie calls "Enter."

I open the door and see Eddie sitting on the floor, cigarette in hand and an open book next to him. I go in, leaving the door open.

"Jesus, don't leave the door open like that, Wayne will kill me if he sees me smoking inside." Eddie hisses, rushing up and gently closing the door, his head peeps through as we hear our uncles pop open their first cans of beer.

"So, what brings you into my castle?" Eddie smiles sarcastically as he turns around, leaning against the door as he takes a drag of the cigarette.

I waft the smoke away and pull a face, "Experimentation." I shrug, sitting on the floor and plucking his book up.

"Experimen- what's that supposed to mean?" He asks confused, frowning as he comes over and sits opposite me, his back to the wall.

"It means to test something-" I begin with a sigh, but Eddie shakes his head and interrupts me.

"I know what it means, but why are you here?"

I glance at him before averting my eyes and staring down at the book. "I guess I was lonely." I mumble, looking up to see his softened expression.

"And you thought I'd be good company? We don't exactly, uh, get along." He says, grabbing a nearby ashtray and putting out the cigarette.

I stay quiet, not wanting to admit that really I was fed up of being left on my own, and that the idea of arguing with Eddie seemed more appealing than another night of reading books and using escapism as a way to forget my loneliness.

"I get it. Most people suck, and you're definitely not one of them." Eddie murmurs, plucking at the worn carpet.

My eyes dart up to meet his, we stare at each other in silence, the vague sound of our uncles laughing fills the quiet. "You don't mean that." I mumble.

Eddie shakes his head animatedly and gives me a genuine smile. "No seriously, you're really cool, and sometimes I just feel a little intimated of you, like if I say the wrong thing you'll just correct me or declare war on me and my first born."

My mouth breaks out into a grin. "War on your first born?"

Eddie shrugs, "You kinda got a villainous aspect to you, like you're amidst creating your origin story."

I laugh and Eddie chuckles. I look up to see Eddie staring at me, his eyes crinkled as his dimples appear. "You don't have to feel so alone anymore, from now until forever I'll make sure to annoy the shit out of you."

"Maybe you never really did annoy me." I mumble, my eyes glance at his lips as my breath quickens.

Eddie sits up from the wall and scoots closer to me, our faces are inches apart as he whispers "Can I kiss you?"

I nod as I lick my lips. His hands reach out and cup either side of my face as he moves his mouth closer to mine. I close my eyes, waiting for the moment his lips meet mine.

The moment they do, I lose my composure. My mouth opens as I reach out and pull Eddie towards me, deepening the kiss even though it's my first. His thumbs rub my cheeks as I tilt my head, allowing him more access.

A knock on the door startles us apart, and seconds later Wayne opens it, "You both still alive?" He asks, looking between us both.

We nod and Wayne raises an eyebrow but shrugs and closes to door. I look to Eddie and we both burst out laughing. His arms wrap around me as he pulls me in for a hug.

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