Imagine- Pity Party

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I sit on the stairs, my eyes trained on the door as I wait for the first knock, but it takes a long time. So long in fact, that it never actually comes.

My heart wavers, but my mind begins to construct different excuses to why nobody has turned up to my Birthday party. Maybe they're late. Maybe there's a surprise they're all keeping from me. Maybe...

Maybe nobody's coming.

I invited quite a few people from school, none of which are my close friends, because the fact is I don't have any, but after some peer pressure from my parents, I gathered the courage to finally decide to host a party.

My parents have gone out for the evening, insisting that they'll be out of the way for my party. I've spent all day decorating the house and setting up the drinks and food, as well as some secret alcoholic beverages that they don't have to know about.

I put on a nice dress for once, and waited for them all to turn up and celebrate with me.

But I'm alone, and too much time has passed for me to justify they're lateness.

I take a deep breath and finally stand up, straightening out my dress as tears line my eyes. Happy fucking Birthday to me.

I start for the kitchen, but suddenly there's a single knock at the door. A grin lights up my face and I rush to the door, swinging it open, but it's not what I expect.

Eddie stands there, a box wrapped with newspaper tucked under his arm as he smiles down at me. "Quiet party, huh?"

My face falls as I step back. Eddie follows me in and closes the door behind him, I watch as his eyes scan the sad decorations, the empty foyer and silent living room.

"Oh...," he mumbles, his eyes finally find mine as he puts the box on the table, "Sweetheart I'm so sorry." He murmurs, opening his arms as I let him envelope me into a hug. I don't move, I just let him rub my back and mumble a series of nice things.

Eventually I duck under his arms and go into the kitchen, my eyes stare daggers at the birthday cake sitting there on the counter.

"There's no reason we can't still have a good time, here," he says, pulling out his lighter and lightning the candles.

I watch blankly as he grins at me, gesturing at the cake as he begins to softly sing Happy Birthday. I shake my head and he trails off. Without a word I reach into his pocket and pull out his cigarettes, slipping it between my lips, I lean down and use the candle flame to light it up.

"Cheers." I sarcastically mumble, taking a drag and restraining a cough from coming out of my mouth. Eddie raises his eyebrows and stares at me.

"Okay, I guess we can have a pity party." He says, grabbing the bottle of wine I set out. He pops the lid and takes a swig as I crack a smile and grab two forks.

We both sit at the counter, sharing a cigarette, a bottle of wine, and the cake.

"You know what, this is the best birthday party I've ever been to." Eddie muses.

"Yeah, I guess it's okay since you're here." I reply as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

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