Imagine- Bug Bites

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Eddie keeps scratching his arm, the red bite keeps getting more and more sore, but he refuses to take my advice.

"Seriously," I whisper to him in the middle of class, "If you keep itching it, you'll regret it."

Eddie frowns at me like a child and purposely itches it even more. I give him a pointed look until he goes back to writing. I continue my work too, whilst also keeping a close eye on him.

As soon as the bell rings for lunch, Eddie waits for me to pack my things and we walk to the cafeteria together, but his lips are pressed in a thin line.

"Why do you look so grumpy?" I smile, looking up at Eddie as he directs us to our usual table. Eddie shrugs and rolls his sleeves down, covering the gnat bite.

The rest of our friends join us, and we all end up chatting about Hellfire and some other things, but I notice Eddie isn't talking that much, instead he's back to angrily itching his spot.

I sigh and throw down my hands. "Alright, you've left me no choice." I grin, before hopping out of my seat and plopping myself onto Eddie's lap. Everyone holds back their laughs and shocked gasps as I grab Eddie's hands and hold them in my lap as my legs swing happily.

"You were saying?" I gesture at Gareth to continue. His eyes dart from me to Eddie as he clears his throat and continues taking.

However, Eddie's hands twist and end up holding mine, squeezing comforting as his breath is close to my cheek.

"If I knew you'd to this, I would have gotten bitten sooner." Eddie murmurs into my ear as I choke on a pretzel.

I turn to face him, but my eyes find his and I can't form words. His pupils are large and I notice his breathing comes in short pants, I'd say he's enjoying this too much.

"At least you're not itching." I whisper, a playful smile on my lips as Eddie chuckles.

"I'm itching sweetheart, just not in the way you're thinking of." He mumbles, his eyes darting to my lips. I clear my throat and begin to slide off his lap, but his hands wrap around my middle and keep me in place.

"Uh-uh, I'm gonna need you to stay here and keep me on my best behavior."

I scoff but lean back and enjoy his warmth and temporary touch.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now