Imagine- Journalism- PT 1

417 9 5

"What about that fantasy game thing? I could cover a story on that?" I ask Nancy as I lean against the printer.

Nancy looks at me with an odd expression, then sighs and looks around, noticing the sound of...silence. We haven't had any good stories in a while, and I'm desperate to prove my worth to her and the school paper.

"Alright, just make it a good one, we need this." She offers, nodding her head as she passes me a notebook.


I bite my nail nervously as I hesitate knocking on the drama room door. I've heard from students that the DnD club is hosted here, apparently named Hellfire Club. There's been so much negativity surrounding the game in magazines, so I want to show it in a positive light.

I just need some information and first hand experience to do so.

Breathing in deeply, I knock on the door just as there's a shout from inside. Hushed voices murmur to each other and I get nervous debating whether to go in or wait. My answer comes soon enough when the door opens and a few young teens walk out, talking excitedly with each other as they brush past, giving me a peculiar look.

I step inside, noticing the red lights and decorations everywhere. I note down a few scribbles about the layout and fantastical elements, immersed in my notes until a shadow appears over my page.

"I think you're lost little lamb." A deep voice teases. I look and up and up, past a Hellfire tee until my eyes meet the brown ones of the infamous Eddie Munson. High school freak and head of Hellfire.

"I'm not lost." I reply feeling shy but willing to stand my ground. Eddie chuckles and peeks over my page.

"What's all this you're writing? Another story about how DnD is for kids? Or how it promotes murder?" Eddie grumbles, turning away as he walks to a table filled with empty cans and odd figures.

My eyes can't take in the elements quick enough, admiring the art and fantastical world I'm viewing from above. "Actually, I'm planning a story to show how your game can aid imagination and problem solving skills, therefore making it a good hobby for promoting a variety of skills." I proudly say, my lips tilting up in a smile as Eddie slowly turns to me and widens his eyes.

"So you're one of those?" He murmurs, his eyes slowly scan me from head to toe. I shuffle my feet, feeling like I'm being scrutinised.

"One of what?" I reply, plucking up a dice from the table and observing it. Eddie snatches it back and holds it to his chest defensively.

"Crazy." He smirks, his eyes softening. I shake my head and give him a smile as I point to his chest.

"You're the one cuddling a dice like it's an injured animal." I retort playfully.

Eddie grins and puts it back on the table, then gestures for me to take a seat.

"Ask away your questions all knowing one." He says as we sit side by side facing each other.

I take a breath and begin, but Eddie interrupts me.

"One condition, I also have a few questions I want to ask."

I quirk an eyebrow but nod, having no idea what I've just begun...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now