Imagine- Is It Mine

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I sit next to Eddie, my legs are draped over his as I lean back in my chair, silently listening as he plays Dungeons and Dragons with the rest of the Hellfire Club.

I take a deep breath, trying to fight off the sickness I've been feeling for the last few days, it's getting worse and I don't know how much longer I can hide it from Eddie, he's already caught on that I'm not feeling well, hence why he insisted I sit with him tonight.

The nausea feels to strong, so I carefully lift my legs off of Eddie's and stand up, rushing out of the door as inconspicuously as possible. I make it to the nearest bathroom just in time before I'm sick, heaving and heaving.

I'm glad the school is practically empty tonight, because the thought of anyone seeing me like this scares me. I heave again, holding my stomach until I'm done. I slump back against the stall, wiping my mouth with some tissue as I breathe in and out.

I hear the door to the bathroom open, my eyes meet Eddie's immediately since I left the stall door open in my rush. His face is full of concern, without hesitation he kneels beside me, cupping my cheek as his other arm pulls me to his chest.

"Is it what I think?" He murmurs, he shakily places his hand over mine, which is resting on my stomach.

I nod, my eyes filling with tears. "Eddie, I don't know what to do, I only found out a few weeks ago, but then the sickness kicked in and-" I cry, panicking all over again.

He shushes me and kisses the top of my head, squeezing me tight to comfort me. He suddenly stiffens and mumbles "I- I just have to be it mine?"

I nod and frown, looking up at his terrified eyes. "Of course, I'd never-" I lead off, Eddie lets out a shaky breath and strokes my hair.

"I know, I'm sorry,  it's just a lot to take in." Eddie murmurs softly. I understand his worry in a way, we're always careful...Well I guess not always.

"Eddie, what are we going to do? I mean I've got my job for the school paper, I could always apply for Hawkins Post, but you graduate soon and I know you have so much planned out and-" I panic, rambling without a breath.

Eddie gently places a finger over my lips and gives me a small smile. "We'll be okay, I swear I'll do everything to take care of you both, I know it's not what we planned, but it'll be okay. I mean, you're the one who has to grow little Munson, so I'll be with you whatever you choose, just know I love you no matter what."

Tears fill my eyes again, and I lean into Eddie. "This is absolutely insane" I snort after a few minutes of silence, rubbing my stomach as Eddie grins and leans down to my tummy.

"Your mom's just overdramatic, you'll learn to love her like I do."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now