Imgine- Pain Relief

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I grit my teeth as another cramp causes me to bring my knees up to my chest, I focus on breathing in and out to try and dull the pain, trying to inhale Eddie's sheets and his comforting scent, but it's not working.

"Hey sweetheart, you alright?" Eddie worriedly asks, looking up from his guitar as he sits on the floor, his notebook and pen in front of him since he's been working on some new songs.

I nod, but it's not convincing. Eddie immediately stands up and tenderly puts the guitar back on his wall before kneeling on the floor next to me as I lie on his bed. He gently pulls my hands into his, his thumbs brushing the tops of my hands as he asks "What's hurting?"

"Cramps." I breathe out, Eddie's eyebrows knit together for a second until it clicks and he nods, understanding.

"I'll be right back okay? Just get under the duvet and I'll bring you some stuff." He gently says, giving me a small smile and pressing a kiss to the inside of my wrist as he gets up and rushes out of the room.

I climb under the duvet, finding a position comfy enough to reduce my pain and make me feel more at ease. Minutes later Eddie comes back into the room with an armful of things. "Here, painkillers, water, a hot water bottle, and finally some chocolate. That's what you females like, right?" He rambles, sounding slightly nervous.

I smile at his thoughtfulness and nod, "That's all-" I begin, but tear up at his kindness and my current emotional unstability.

Eddie's face drops and he quickly puts the water and pills on the side table, before climbing next to me on the bed and carefully wraps himself behind me, enveloping me into his warmth. He places the hot water bottle over my stomach and holds it for me as his other hand strokes my hair.

"Shhhh, it's okay, I love taking care of you, please don't cry." He coos, his breath tickles the back of my neck. I finish sniffling and wipe my eyes, feeling a little silly for my random outburst.

"I'm such a wreck, I hate periods." I mumble, placing my hand over Eddie's and looping a few fingers with his.

"I know, that shit seems terrifying, women honestly deserve a reward for dealing with it all." Eddie chuckles, pressing a gentle kiss to my shoulder.

I smile and turn to look at him, already feeling a bit better. "You're the best," I whisper, then my tummy rumbles so I add "I don't suppose you brought any Reeses with you?"

Eddie smirks as he sits up and grabs the chocolate.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now