Imagine- Bed Banishments

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Another elbow nudge finally breaks my patience. With an angry sigh, I sit up in Eddie's bed and shoot him a frown.

"Sorry, I can't help it." Eddie whisper defends, sounding sincere I almost forgive him...almost.

"It's the fifth time, can't you just lie still and count sheep!" I whisper back, rubbing the backs of my eyes as I glance at the time.

"You know I get freaked out by sheep, it's not my fault if I can't sleep." Eddie replies, crossing his arms and rolling to his side.

"Then you're banished," I mumble, kicking out my foot and nudging him off the bed. Eddie wavers for a split second before falling on the floor, taking a blanket with him. He looks up at me with an expression of shock and amusement, and I can't help but tilt my lips into a smile.

"First of all, that was mean, secondly, you can't banish me from my own bed." Eddie mumbles, rubbing a hand over his elbow as he sits up on the floor. I "Hmm" and throw down a pillow for him, then proceed to get comfortable, sighing as I rebuild my warm blanket cocoon.

There's the sound of shuffling, and I lift my head up to see Eddie laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling, a pillow under his head and a blanket covers half his body. Guilt washes over me and I huff, scooting over as I beckon him back to bed with a hand.

"Come on then, I miss you already." I softly murmur, lifting up the duvet for Eddie to climb back in. He carefully places himself half on top of me, his arm draped around my waist and his head on my shoulder as my hand finds his hair.

Eddie finally yawns as I run my fingers through his hair, twirling and twisting the brown strands until I finally hear his breathing even out.

I look down at my sleeping Eddie, smiling as he lightly snores, then I finally find peace and stillness to actually go to sleep.

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