Imagine- Chaotic Good PT 2

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I sprint away from the woods back to my car, looking over my shoulder as the rain continues to fall frantically. I grab my walkie talkie and practically scream for everyone to meet. Dustin suggests we all meet at the Wheelers house, so that's where I head.

In no time everyone's arrived, all scattered in the living room whilst Mike and Nancy's family are out. They all look at me expectantly, so I take a deep breath and look to Dustin as I say "Eddie's alive." There's a loud chorus of arguments before a stunned silence.

"You're seeing things, it's perfectly normal to want to see him Y/N." Steve softly says, but I frown and cross my arms.

"I believe her, she wouldn't make that up." Dustin pipes up, taking my side and giving me an affirmative nod. I try for a smile but in the current situation it feels wrong.

"I can feel him. Henry." El says, referring to Vecna. All these names get so confusing, so it takes me a second to realise who she's talking about. I open my mouth but I'm silenced as El stands up and rushes to the curtains, I peek over her shoulder as everyone stays silent, but there's nothing there. Just an empty, dreary cul-de-sac.

"He's close." El whispers. Everyone hears and stands up, hurriedly grabbing weapons and whatever defence we can all put together in the matter of minutes.

We all stand around, expecting something. But nothing happens. "Is he still close?" Steve asks, looking concerned as he pushes a reluctant Dustin behind him.

In answer, there's a knock on the front door. The Wheeler's family aren't expected home yet, so we all freeze and stare at the door. Another knock comes, more aggressive then the first. Nobody moves an inch, as if we're all scared to confront it.

With a heavy breath, I shove my way past Steve and place my hand on the door handle.

"If this isn't your parents, take Jonathan and the kids, run wherever is safest." I say over my shoulder to Nancy, who seems to be shielding the kids. She nods and starts grabbing the back of Mike's shirt, hauling him further back.

Without hesitation, I open the door, revealing Eddie standing there, but it doesn't feel like Eddie. His whole demeanor is wrong, his grin too wide. His teeth top sharp, and his eyes are so bloodshot they're practically all red.

Nancy springs into action, pushing and shoving the kids to the back door with Jonathan in toe. Their shouts are loud but Eddie's eyes never leave mine.

"I'm not letting you-" I begin, but Eddie's hands push me backwards with superhuman force, causing me to fly across the room and hit the wall. My body screams in pain as I slump on the floor, catching my breath and licking my lips, tasting blood.

Steve punches Eddie, who's face swings to the side, but he comes up completely fine, a grin on his face as he playfully says "My turn." Steve's face drops as Eddie lands a punch, sending Steve sprawling on the floor.

I try to get up, but my arms feel shaky and weak. I can't help but watch as Eddie beats the shit out of Steve, the sound of grunts of pain fills my ears until I find strength to stand up.

All of a sudden, El comes around the corner, her hand raised up as she uses her powers to force Eddie against the wall. Eddie growls and resists, somehow over powering the force as he stomps towards El, a menacing look on his face.

I dash forward between them, stepping in Eddie's path. His eyes flash moments before I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, crashing my lips to his. It's messy and completely stupid, but Eddie's shoulders slump and I somehow know he's internally fighting Vecna.

I pull back just as Eddie lets out a sob, his knees buckle as he falls to the floor. I lean down with him, cupping his cheeks as I allow my tears to fall with his.

"I can break the connection between Eddie and Henry. It's weak since Eddie's fighting him. We need to go inside Eddie's head." El states, looking hopeful.

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