Eddie & You Moments Headcanon

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Eddie's never been in a proper relationship, so everything between you both is new to him.

He loves just talking to you, it's his favourite thing to do. He loves seeing your face light up when you speak about your hobbies and things you love. He does that particular grin where his eyes crinkle and his dimples appear. Often he'll kiss you randomly.

"What was that for?"

"You're adorable"

Eddie's not a huge fan of traditional dates, so he likes to try and plan things for you both. One time you'll have a picnic at Lovers Lake, but he'll forget to bring the utensils. Another time he set up a fancy dinner date in the back of his van at night, but it started to rain. You thought it was perfect though.

Eddie likes reading, so often you'll both lounge on his bed as you both read different books, Eddie's head rests in your lap until he gets bored and asks you to read to him, so he lies on you as you tell him stories.

You'll often go to his shows at the Hideout, watching Corroded Coffin slowly get more and more popular. He always watches you during the shows, winking at you throughout the songs. Half of the reason is because he feels so happy you care, but the second half is because he wants to make sure nobody tries to get with you.

At school you both sit next to each other when you have the same classes. Eddie struggles with some subjects so sometimes you'll 'accidentally' drop your paper so Eddie can have a quick look then pass it back to you. He swears he'll try harder, but with Hellfire and the band he's pretty unfocused about school.

"Eddie, you've got to start paying attention!"

"It's not my fault the campaign begins in two weeks!"

Dustin often third wheels when you and Eddie hang out. Eddie sees Dustin as a younger brother so they'll bicker and geek out a lot. Eddie loves seeing you and Dustin get along, it makes him happy to think he's finally got some form of a family.

Eddie talks about you all the time to Wayne. Eddie was super nervous when you first met Wayne, but luckily you cracked a joke and it went well. Wayne's glad Eddie has someone to lean on and someone who's there to keep him grounded. And you definitely do. Eddie has massive respect for you when you're honest and puts him in his place.

Eddie loves introducing you to new music and bands. Often you'll both lie on the floor of his bedroom just listening to his music as he smokes. He sits up when it's over and widen his eyes, asking if you liked it. He's such a child when it comes to music, insisting you'll like the next album...and the next...and the next.

Eddie loves you so much, he doesn't entirely know how to express it sometimes. So he'll buy you small gifts and make things for you. He's also such a gentleman, opening doors and bowing. Opening cans for you because "You never know what's lurking inside" and he often has a hand on you. Either around your waist or around your shoulders, the man loves physical contact.

You and Eddie are just meant to be♡

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