Imagine- Motel Mayhem

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Eddie yawns for the tenth time as we all sit in the van, the band's instruments rattle as Eddie drives over yet another pothole.

"We've still got an hour, can't we just find a motel to stay at?" I ask, looking at Eddie as he rubs the back of his eyes. He nods and replies "You all okay with that?"

The others are half asleep, Gareth perks up and nods before falling asleep again. Eddie finds a motel and parks up, the others climb out with the essentials as Eddie walks over and checks us in.

We all awkwardly stand around waiting in the night for Eddie to come back, his face scrunched up as he rubs the back of his neck.

"I got us two rooms and we still have some cash left over, bad news is that two people have to share." Eddie mumbles, dangling two keys out.

Gareth looks up at Eddie then switches his gaze to me, his mouth tilts into a smile so I move away and flip him off.

"I'll share with Y/N since we're older." Eddie says, his voice full of authority. He must be tired because he never uses his age as an excuse.

Without another word we all head to our rooms, waving goodbye sleepily. As soon as I step into the tiny room, I notice something terribly wrong.

There's only one bed.

"Yeah..." Eddie says from behind me, he slips past me and throws himself on the bed, sighing as he stares up at the ceiling.

"I'm not sleeping with you, you take up too much room." I grumble, crossing my arms as I close the door behind me and walk to the bottom of the bed. Eddie leans up on his elbows and raises an eyebrow.

"You wanna go sleep in the van?"

I roll my eyes and give in, my sleepy state isn't in the mood to argue with him. "Move then, you behemoth." I joke, perching on the edge of the bed and taking my boots off.

Eddie slides over, copying me by taking off his shoes, but then I hear fabric and zips. I turn to see Eddie stripping off until he's left in his underwear. My cheeks warm as I quickly look away, but Eddie chuckles, signaling me that he saw me looking.

"You're gonna be too warm with all that on." Eddie sing songs, sliding under the cover and tucking his hands behind his head. I scoff but realise he's right.

"If you look I'll gouge out your eyeballs with Jeff's drum sticks." I hiss, beginning to unbutton my jeans.

I peek over my shoulder and see that Eddie's put my pillow over his head so he can't see. I smile and quickly undress until I'm left in my underthings, then I slide under the covers.

I grab my pillow from Eddie and tuck it under my head, leaning as far away from him as possible.

"I'm not going to do anything weird
Y/N." Eddie mutters, turning to look at me as I tense up at the implication. "Want me to get out?" He whispers, I shake my head and let out a breath.

"I'm fine, I've just never...fell asleep with someone before." I confess, feeling silly as we lay side by side, our bodies close enough that I can feel the heat radiating from him.

"Really? I mean that's fine, we're just sleeping, right?" Eddie mumbles, laughing a little as he turns off the lamp. The room is suddenly pitch black, other than a small gap in the blinds displaying the light outside.

"Eddie, I'm scared of the dark." I whisper, scooting closer to him as my heart races from the fear of unfamiliarity.

"Shh, it's okay." He coos, grabbing my hand and stroking the top with his thumb. Suddenly there's a noise outside that makes me jump.

Eddie's arm wraps around my shoulders and brings me closer to his chest. I'm too scared to be embarrassed, so I tuck my head into his bare shoulder and try to calm down.

His finger dances on my skin as he draws circles and other things, the feeling makes me relax as I try to work out what he's drawing.

"This okay? Kick me if I'm being too weird." He murmurs to the top of my head.

"I'm okay, let's just sleep." I whisper, closing my eyes as I feel my muscles become heavier and heavier.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He replies, and I'm sure he presses a kiss to my head as I fall asleep in his arms.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now