Imagine- Cold Hands

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I smile and watch as Eddie talks with the Hellfire Club after a meeting, my breath clouds up in the air as I cross my arms over myself, waiting for Eddie to finish talking to them.

After a few minutes, he finally says goodbye and strolls over to where I'm waiting in front of his van.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He mumbles, reaching for my hands as he steps forward, caging me between him and the van.

I shake my head and begin to reply, but Eddie cuts in "Jesus Christ! Your hands are freezing!"

I try to remove my hands from his, but Eddie grips on to me, his face full of concern as he cups my hands together with his and brings them to his face, blowing hot breath on them.

I laugh as he makes a big deal out of it, but he looks down at me and gives me a pointed look. "Alright, can't we just get in the van and turn the heater on?" I ask.

Eddie pauses as if the thought didn't even cross his mind, as if he'd just immediately thought about a solution rather than thinking things through. Eddie lets go of my hands and opens the passenger door for me, helping me up and closing the door behind me as he jogs to the other side. He climbs in and turns on the van, Metallica begins playing loudly, so he quickly turns it down and blasts the heater.

"You feeling okay? Think your fingers are gonna fall off?" Eddie smiles, quirking an eyebrow as I lean back and rub my hands together.

"Eddie, I'm fine." I reassure him. Eddie nods and starts driving out of the now empty parking lot.

"Why didn't you shout me, you could've said that you were cold." Eddie asks as he drives with one hand on the steering wheel, the other finds my thigh.

I sigh and lean my head against the window as I shrug at him. "I know you like talking to the guys, so I figured I'd leave you be."

Eddie frowns and gives me a disapproving look, "I like holding your hand more, so we've gotta make sure you keep intact."

I smile, turning up the music as Eddie drives me home. "Ever the drama queen." I mumble.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now