Imagine- Running Away Again

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"You're not taking us seriously Eddie, I need stability!" I cry as Eddie shakes his head, tears lining his eyes. He rubs a hand over his face and slumps onto his bed.

"So that's it? You're giving me up because the futures unpredictable?" He whispers thickly. I can't take this anymore, so I pull off the necklace Eddie gave me and place it on his desk, stroking the guitar pick one last time as I turn away and walk out of the door. I need to leave this place, otherwise I know I'll come running back to him.

-----------------3 Years Later-----------------------

"Are you sure you don't want to hang out somewhere else?" I ask my oldest friend as we drive to The Hideout. I watch as the scenery goes past, reminding me that whilst I've been gone three years, Hawkins will always be the same.

"There isn't anywhere else, besides it's the place to be now this famous band keeps playing there." She exclaims, the others who are sitting in the back agree with her.

As soon as we get to The Hideout, my heart races, remembering times when I used to come here on a regular basis, but that's the past now. This is a new me visiting this place.

There's a massive crowd, all eager faced with a thrill in the air. Whoever is playing here must be good, because the turnout is spectacular. We all don't have to wait long, as soon as my friends and I get our drinks and find a spot at the back, the band runs onstage, shouting and hyping up the crowd. My smile falters as I begin to recognise the faces.

Shit, does my apparent friend really not know me well? Maybe she's forgotten. Either way, as soon as the one band member I never wanted to see again walks onstage, I'm both petrified and mesmerised.

"We're Corroded Coffin, are you ready?!"

Eddie begins with a heavy riff, grinning as the crowd goes wild. People cheer and budge their way to the front, including my friends who really have forgotten about me. I sip my drink, a small smile plays on my lips despite the heartbreak I'm re-experiencing.

At some point, I get so lost in the music I begin to enjoy it, forgetting where I am and who the band is, I just nod my head and mouth the lyrics I've known since they were created. Suddenly, deep brown eyes meet mine and my breath catches.

I feel hot and cold at the same time, and Eddie's face is pure shock, he even messes up a note. The crowd either doesn't care or doesn't notice as he makes up for it with an amazing solo, but I know it's definitely time for me to go.

Without a word to my friends, I shrug on my jacket and rush to the exit, my eyes watery all of a sudden. I make it half way across the parking lot until a familiar voice shouts my name.

"Y/N, stop!"

I pause, unable to face the man who's calling me. "So you're just running away again?" He adds a little more calm.

I pivot around, realising he's closer than I anticipated. I look up at Eddie, noticing how he hasn't changed that much. His scent carries on the breeze, even that's the same.

"I never meant to run away, especially when all I wanted to do was come back to you." I say, catching myself before a sob can break free. Eddie stares down at me, his face full of anguish.

"Then why didn't you? It's been three years Y/N and I've waited every damn day." He replies, stepping closer to me.

My lip wobbles as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out the necklace I used to wear everyday. "Every damn day." He whispers, his eyes glistening.

"I'm so sorry Eddie, I've missed you so much." I finally cry. We both rush to each other at the same time, his arms wrap around me tightly as he buries his face into my hair, inhaling as I squeeze him back with the same intensity.

"Never leave me again, swear it." He murmurs into my hair. I nod, sniffling as he leans back a few inches to put the necklace back on.

"I swear on my life Eddie, I'll never make that mistake again. I love you."

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