Imagine- Supportive

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I'm sat in the music room after school with my band, Sirens Song. It's a Wednesday so not many people are around to listen to us practice for our first show tomorrow night.

I finish the riff on my guitar, looking up with a grin as my eyes meet those familiar chocolate ones I've come to adore.

Eddie grins and gives me a wink, making me blush as the rest of the band pretends to gag and tease us.

"I think we're ready, should we call it a day?" My best friend and lead singer says to us all, standing up and clasping her hands together in excitement. I nod and lift the guitar strap over my shoulder, placing it down next to me as I take her stool.

"You're great, I know the Hideout will love you." Eddie smiles, but he's looking at me.

"Let's leave the love birds to have some alone time." Our drummer teases, being the first out the door.

A few moments later and we're alone. Eddie slowly strolls up to me and stands between my legs as I massage my hands, the long practice has them feeling a little achy.

Eddie carefully takes my hands and begins to massage them for me as he says "You looked cool, I mean you always look cool, but you looked really cool with that guitar in your hands."

I smile at his ramble, "Thank you. Honestly is it bad that I'm nervous?" I ask him, since he knows what it's like to be in a band and perform in front of a live crowd.

Eddie shakes his head and crouches down in front of me, never letting go of my hands. "It's okay to be a little scared, but the most important thing to remember is to enjoy it. If you're not having fun then it's no longer worth it. I see the love you have for playing that guitar, you'll do her proud."

I raise my eyebrows and smirk, "Her? Eddie my guitar is definitely a dude."

Eddie narrows his eyes playfully as he lets go of my hands, he sighs before putting his hands on either side of my legs, resting on the stool so I'm caged by his body.

"Sweetheart, I'm the only dude you'll ever lay your hands on, so yeah, in my eyes that sweet old guitar is a chick." He murmurs, eyes drifting to my lips.

I reach out a hand, stroking the side of his neck as I mumble back "So you don't like the idea of me touching his neck like this."

Eddie almost growls as his face turns into a look of pure dominance. "Keep talking like that and I'll have to pluck your strings right here sweetheart."

My breath comes short and we both crash our lips together, the kiss is full of passion and possessiveness as we make out for a whole hour.

----------The Next Evening-----------

"Thank you everyone, we're Sirens Song and we'll be back next week!" The lead singer says before we all bounce off stage, hugging each other from the adrenaline.

"That was amazing guys- wait no, gals!" Eddie exclaims, jogging backstage and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I grab some water and take a gulp before spinning around and jumping back into Eddie's waiting arms, my legs wrap around him as he carries me out of the fire exit and into the night.

"You didn't freeze up or anything, so you must've gotten over the stage fright." Eddie says as I bury my face into his neck.

"No, I just thought about what you said and playing a great set seemed to overcome my fear of everything else." I shrug, pressing a kiss to his jaw.

Eddie squeezes me and sets me down. "I got you a gift." He says, reaching into his pocket and getting out a small box filled with tissue paper.

I smile and undo it, and find a guitar pick necklace just like his inside the box, except this one has our initials painted on it.

I grin and give him a quick kiss before turning around and lifting my hair up. "Would you mind?" I say as Eddie takes the necklace and carefully drapes it across my neck, his fingers skim the back of my neck as he does up the latch.

"Now we're the same." Eddie grins, wrapping his arms around me.

I nod, "Soon we can get matching friendship bracelets."

Eddie laughs and shakes his head before kissing me again under the stars.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now