Imgine- Morning Monster

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I feel a tickle on my cheek, and slowly open my eyes to see Eddie's brown ones looking back.

Rubbing my eyes, I smile and let out a small yawn, covering my mouth and stretching as sunlight shines through the cheap blinds Eddie has in his room.

"Morning Sweetheart." Eddie deeply mumbles, cupping my cheek and brushing my cheekbone with his thumb. I smile as I lean into the touch, savoring the warmth from his hand.

"Hi." I murmur, closing my eyes and burying back under the duvet. I have a habit of hibernating when I want to.

"Where are you going?" Eddie smiles lazily, wrapping an arm around my waist as I groan.

"Back to sleep." I reply with closed eyes. Eddie chuckles and begins peppering my nose with kisses, exaggerating the sound as he snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I groan again and try to bury my head into the pillow, but Eddie sits up and grabs the pillow from beneath my head.

"Noooo!" I whine, reaching out for my second beloved.

"Come on, wake up so I can love you." He murmurs, whacking me gently with the pillow. I laugh at his childish behaviour as Eddie rips the blankets off of me.

He wraps them around himself then dives on top of me, smothering me with himself and the duvet.

"I'm the blanet monster and I have an appetite for beautiful humans such as yourself!" Eddie says in a funny voice, before his mouth finds my neck and he pretends to bite me.

I laugh as his warm breath tickles my neck and ear. I wrap my arms around his neck and he suddenly sits up, wrapping an arm around my back as he pulls me up with him.

"You're a pain in the ass Eddie Munson." I mumble as I lean my forehead against his chest. Eddie laughs and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah, but now we can grab pancakes." He shrugs. I smile and pretend to whack him in the shoulder.

"Why didn't you start with that, I would have gotten up straight away!" I exclaim, shaking my head at him.

Eddie grins as he leans back so now I'm straddling him. "This was more fun." He mumbles before pressing a kiss to my mouth.

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