Pregnancy Headcanon

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When you keep feeling ill and sick, Eddie's the one to subtly suggest taking a test to see if you're pregnant. He's worried and nervous, but at the same time he knows that no matter what, he's supporting you because you mean the world to him.

You both sit on the bathroom floor waiting for the result. After the time, you check and see it's positive. A single nod to Eddie and his eyes widen, but instead of reacting negatively he kneels down and envolpes you into a hug, telling you it's okay and reassuring you that it'll be fine.

You both spend hours and days talking about what to do, and finally you both decide to go through with it and settle down even though you're both young. Eddie gets a real job and starts raking in the big bucks as he calls it after graduating from school. Wayne is shocked but excited for you both, willing to help however he can.

Eddie is so supportive during the pregnancy, often buying you whatever you want. He also adores kissing your bump and singing Dio and Metallica softly to it, telling you that he's teaching the kid some decent lessons before he or she comes along.

You and Eddie often go shopping to buy small things, but most of the baby's toys and furnishings come from your childhood things. You feel a little embarrassed compared to other parents who have the more expensive stuff, but Eddie always says it doesn't matter because the kid will have loving parents to make up for the materialistic shit.

Eddie is with you ever second when you go into labour and holds your hand. As soon as the baby is born he tears up and holds it, smiling down as he uses his pinky to caress its cheek. He smiles and walks over to you, saying "Look what we did."

You, Eddie and the baby are such a happy and loving family. Eddie's the best dad and Dustin ends up being a great step in uncle.

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