Imagine- He Doesn't Know

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AN: This one's a sad one, so buckle in♡

I walk around the school gym, not really doing anything as I take in the damage Vecna has done to our town. People are sat everywhere, some injured, some scared, most in desperate need for safety and reassurance.

I wish I could tell them it'll be okay, but I'm just as lost as they are. My mind feels so empty, and I struggle to not breakdown and scream, or cry.

I look across the gym to see Steve folding clothes, his eyes are on Robin, who's prepping some food with some other students volunteering. Anger shoots through me as well as guilt, I haven't spoken to them, don't think about that.

A part of me wishes they were in his place, that one of them had taken his place. After that I think that maybe I should have...

Before my thoughts go further, my breath hitches as I see someone I really didn't want to near the missing posters board.

Fuck, he doesn't know.

He. Doesn't. Know.

Someone's got to tell him, Wayne deserves to know some form of the truth.

I take a deep inhale and make my way to Wayne Munson, Eddie's uncle. I don't know what I'm going to say, I haven't even processed it myself.

I stand behind him and watch as he tears down a vandalised poster, ruined with harsh scribbles. Tears prick my eyes but I stare at the new poster Wayne's putting up, anything to prevent the tears. I focus on my Eddie's face, his smile and the way his eyes always look so cynical about the world.

Wayne looks behind his shoulder at me and nods, before leaning down and picking up his bag with a grunt. He doesn't know, I remind myself as he walks away.

"Mr Munson, wait!" I say, catching up to him as he turns around.

"I'm sorry, whatever it is, I can't help you." He mumbles deeply, but I shake my head, my chest tightening as I open my mouth to speak, but words don't come.

Wayne's eyes suddenly widen as he stares below my chin, not in a weird way, but a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Where'd you get that necklace? That's my nephews." He softly asks, stepping forward as my hand comes up to fiddle with Eddie's guitar pick.

"I used to date your nephew, he never told you because he was scared you wouldn't like me, or that you'd say something about it." I say, my lip wobbling as I avoid Wayne's question.

Wayne's face begins to fall as he realises where this is going. He finds a place to sit and slumps down, putting his head in his hands.

"He was the kindest most honest person I've ever met, people assumed he was a bad person because of the way he looked or the things he was into, but they never got to know him like I did. He was passionate and so much smarter than he gave himself credit for, he was a protector, right until the end-" I ramble, my voice fading as I let out a sob.

Wayne looks up at me with tears falling down his face, understanding exactly what I'm trying to say. His arm comes around my shoulder and brings me in as we both cry together.

"He was a good kid, I'm glad he had you." Wayne murmurs as he strokes my back comfortingly.

"Did you want this back?" I sniffle after some time, gesturing to the necklace. Wayne looks at it for a moment then shakes his head.

"Eddie gave it to you, so you keep it." I nod as Wayne stands up and grabs his bag, "it was nice to finally meet you, I just wish it was Eddie introducing you to m." Wayne says, his voice still thick with tears.

"Me too. I'm sorry." I whisper, holding back another sob.

Without another word, Wayne makes his way to the exit. I stay sat for a while, until I wipe my tears and stand up, Eddie wouldn't want me to be like this, he'd want to help those who need it. So I begin passing out water bottles and blankets.

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