Imagine- Letters

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I sigh as I flip through the textbook, the school library empties quickly as soon as the bell rings, but I really need to finish my research for this paper.

I tap my pen against the table and look around, bored and distracted from my task. A slip of paper randomly peeks out from the bookshelves, only enough for someone to notice if they were looking.

I look around and find no audience, so I quickly snatch up the paper and begin to read the note:

'Hello stranger of Hawkins High, if you're reading this, you're either really curious or just bored. Tell me something interesting and put the paper back so I can read it'

I smile to myself at the strange note, wondering who wrote it, I hesitantly begin to write, then question if this is a good idea before continuing to write some random knowledge about something.

I tuck the paper back and continue with my work, until I return the next week.

The paper seemed to have moved a few books along, so like last time I grab hold of it and see that the anonymous student has replied;

'Okay, so that was pretty cool, thanks for teaching me. Do you think dogs see themselves in their dreams or is it all in first person perspective? Until next time my fellow conspirator.'

I laugh quietly to myself and earn a strange look from a student passing by. I wait for her to leave before scribbling away and placing the paper back, becoming more and more curious about this other student.

Weeks pass and the paper becomes scribbled over so many times, until we start on a new piece. The old piece completely disappears as I talk to this other student about random things. As the weeks pass we get to know each other, telling each other small but personal things, nothing I can use to figure out who my secret pen pal is though. One day the note asks if we should meet, so we both agree and plan to meet in this library, at a specific time.


I walk into the library as usual, which has become my safe haven this school year. I feel kind of nervous, but also excited to finally find out who I've been talking to.

I pull up a chair nearby my usual table and decide to wait until the mystery student turns up, just to not seem so eager or desperate.

Minutes pass and I look around the almost empty library, only spotting a few students studying or reading.

It isn't until I meet eyes with someone a table across from me for the second time, that a strange feeling comes over me.

The school outcast and 'freak' Eddie Munson smiles at me and puts down his magazine. I glance away but he narrows his eyes before getting up and taking the empty space opposite me at my table.

"So you're mystery girl, huh?" He softly asks, his lips tilting up as my eyes widen.

"You're the pen pal?! Wait, how did you know it was a girl talking to you?" I ask surprised and embarrassed.

Eddie shrugs and pulls out a slip of paper from his pocket, I double take as I look at his proof, it's our first letter.

"The writing, it's kind of feminine so I guessed. You kept looking around as if you're waiting for someone, so I took a chance and I'm right."

I nod and give him a small smile, feeling a little awkward but also comfortable, his presence isn't as bad as people make it out to be. "So, what do we do now? Are our weekly conversations over?"

Eddie locks eyes with me and pokes his tongue out slightly before murmuring "I guess we could just talk in person for now on, I mean if you want?"

I contemplate the idea, since I'd never have purposely initiated a conversation with Eddie, but I can't deny the fun we've had, so I find myself nodding as I reply "Sure, let's go somewhere where we can actually talk without being scrutinised."

Eddie laughs and stands up, holding out an arm for me as we strut out of the library and school.

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