Imagine- I Didn't Listen

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"Please don't come, it's not safe for you." Eddie pleads as I sit on the edge of his bed, my arms crossed over my chest as I look up at his wide brown eyes.

"Why, because a bunch of drunks? I'm not letting them get in the way of me seeing my boyfriend and his band perform in a city for the first time." I argue, standing up and lifting my chin higher in defence.

Eddie sighs and shakes his head, putting his hands on either side of my shoulders he leans down, his lips inches away from mine. "Please stop being stubborn for one night, I don't want to watch as some son of a bitch tries to take you home, first of all you're mine, and secondly you're too good for a place like this."

I watch as Eddie's eyes plead with mine, and I allow my shoulders to relax. Eddie nods once and pulls me to his chest for a hug. "I know you wanted to see us, but it's for your own safety Y/N." He softly murmurs.

I hug him back before he says his goodbyes and backs away from me, picking up his guitar case, heading out of the door and to his van. I bite my lip, already half worried about numerous things. I'm so glad Corroded Coffin is finally getting more attention by more cities, but that means more fame, more gigs, more girls for Eddie to admire and more assholes for the band to deal with.

The place where Corroded Coffin is playing tonight is sketchy as hell, but it's their first show in a city, and I'm going whether Eddie likes it or not.

I get ready once Eddie and the band have left, putting on my favourite outfit and some dark red lipstick because I know Eddie loves it. I spray some perfume and check my hair, then finally I get in my car and begin the two hour drive to the show.

By time I arrive, the car park is almost full and I'm lucky to find a space. A few drunks are outside already, and my nerves finally kick in, but I refuse to let them show. I walk past them, ignoring their whistles as I buy a ticket and find a seat at the bar, with a perfect view of the stage.

I order a drink and sip it slowly, within minutes smoke blows and the band make their appearance. I grin as Eddie bounces onto the stage, full of energy and already looking like he owns the place. The rest of the band look a little nervous, but I know Eddie's energy will support them through it.

"We're Corroded Coffin, and this is our first song called "Tower of Two!" They begin playing, and already the fairly big crowd cheers, jumping and waving their hands as the band plays.

I've heard all of these songs before, but I nod my head to them anyway, my eyes always on Eddie. I notice quite a few girls are doing the same, but I smirk knowing Eddie's mine and I have faith in him to never be unfaithful to me.

"You look lonely." A gruff voice says next to me, I turn to see a man twice my age leaning against the bar, awfully close to me. I shake my head and point to the stage.

"No, my boyfriend's up there." I proudly tell him. The man laughs condescendingly and rubs my back. I stiffen, unsure how to get out of this situation.

"Sure, and I suppose you're a fairy princess too, huh?" He snorts. I frown and shuffle so his hand falls, except it doesn't, it slides lower and I shoot him a look. "Get off of me"

"Don't be so shy, lemme take you out back and-" The man begins, but his eyes trail over my shoulder. I swivel my head around to see Eddie glaring a death stare at the man.

"How about we go out back and see what happens when my fist meets your face?" Eddie deeply warns. The man narrows his eyes but backs away, holding his hands up in a surrender.

"I didn't mean nothin' by it"

Eddie stares until the man disappears from view. I relax, disheartened that I missed the end of the show.

"I told you not to come here." Eddie frowns, grabbing my drink and chugging it down. I bite my lip and lift a shoulder.

"I didn't listen, I wanted to see you." I mumble, my earlier confidence lost. Eddie sighs and pinches his nose, then looks at me, his eyes dart to my lips and back up to my eyes again.

"You look fucking beautiful." Eddie murmurs. I smile and wipe some hair that's stuck to his sweaty forehead.

"I loved the show, I knew you guys would be amazing." I smile. Eddie grabs my hand and places a kiss to the back of it.

"I'm not driving back tonight, me and the guys booked a motel not far from here, do you wanna stay with me tonight?"

I nod and give him a devilish smile as I lean my head against his shoulder as he orders another drink.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now