Imagine- What Your Ex Couldn't

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My eyes dart to Eddie's, watching as he casually leans against the wall with a beer in his hand. I can feel his eyes on me, and like usual I try to not think about it, especially since Eddie was the reason me and my boyfriend broke up.

With a deep inhale, I stand up and gesture to my friends that I'm going for a drink, when in reality I just need some air. Narrowly avoiding being hit by dancers or drunken jocks, I make my way outside and into the garden, the sound of the house party still pretty loud but nowhere near as deafening.

A couple next to me are heavily making out without slowing down, so I decide to go and sit by the edge of the pool, taking my shoes off and dipping my feet into the cool water as it gently ripples.

"You shouldn't be alone out here. Where's that asshole boyfriend of yours?" Eddie suddenly asks from behind me. I turn my head, putting a hand to my chest in fright, but recover quickly.

"I'm fine, I just needed some air, and he won't be around anymore, we broke up." I say, frowning as Eddie sits in a nearby deckchair facing me, he sits up straight and grabs a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it up and taking a deep inhale.

"Why'd you break up?" Eddie mumbles, blowing out a plume of smoke. I sigh in annoyance and throw him a pointed look.

"Because of you. Do you have to be inquisitive!" I snap. Eddie lifts an eyebrow but then holds out his hands in a surrender.

"Hey, I'm just making conversation."

"Well I'd rather you didn't, don't you have some cheerleader you can go bug?" I mumble, gently splashing the water. There's a vague cheer from the house followed by a series of whistles, I close my eyes and try to find solace.

"You're jealous." Eddie muses, sounding impressed with himself. My eyes shoot open as my cheeks flame.

"I- I am not. I just don't like you." I retort, putting my shoes back on and standing up.

Eddie stubs out his cigarette on a fire pit and grins up at me, his eyes glistening playfully. "Oh, now we're getting somewhere. You do like me, you just don't want to admit it, is that why you broke up with that asshole? I don't blame you, he's full of shit and couldn't care less about you."

My mouth opens and closes as my mind blanks, how can he possibly know something I can't even admit to myself. So yeah, I do have a small crush on him, and often stood up for him when my ex talked shit, but that's nothing...right?

In my confusion, I do the only thing I can think of. I begin to walk away, but suddenly Eddie's ringed hand tugs my arm, pulling me back and almost in his lap, he leans up and murmurs into my ear "Let me give you what he couldn't."

My breath hitches as my eyes meet his brown ones, my gaze darts to his lips momentarily and I find myself whispering "And what would that be?"

Eddie smiles and says the last thing I'd expected. "Love. Real love, none of that fake bullshit, let me take care of you and listen to your thoughts, let me learn all your quirks and let me listen to your for hours about the things you love. I just wanna be with you."

My body relaxes as his hand releases my arm, Eddie tilts his head as if waiting for me to decide to go back inside or stay here with him. I take a step away from him and watch as his smile fades, but then I sit down on the deck chair next to him and cross my legs.

"Okay." I reply.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now