Imagine- Accuracy

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We all laugh and drink, lounging around on the floor of Steve's living room since his parents are yet again out of town.

"Let's play a game, like spin the bottle or something." Robin announces, grinning as if its the best idea in the world.

Eddie nods and sits beside me as Steve necks down the rest of the drink and places the bottle on the floor. I stare at it anxiously, wondering where this is heading.

"You okay?" Eddie whispers, nudging my shoulder with his, noticing my expression. I fake a smile and nod, holding up my drink and taking a gulp as if that proves I'm doing fine.

Steve spins first and it lands on Nancy. She rolls her eyes but shrugs a shoulder, not bothered. "Who's your favourite female singer?" Steve asks hesitantly. Robin groans as Steve shakes his head at her.

"Madonna." Nancy smiles, then spins the bottle. It lands on Eddie. He leans back and pulls a face of surprise. Before Nancy can ask something, Robin covers her mouth and interrupts "Describe your ideal partner."

Eddie lifts his eyebrows in shock, then laughs nervously. All eyes are on him as he grabs his beer bottle and anxiously pulls at the label. My eyes flick to his and he clears his throat. As much as I hate seeing him uncomfortable, I'm also interested to hear his opinion.

"I-uh- I guess it'll be someone who's...friendly?" Eddie begins, though it sounds more like a question.

Robin scoffs and leans forward, obviously drunk. "No dummy, in detail."

Eddie sighs, "Alright," he takes a swig then begins "someone who's smarter than me, someone who has a great personality and doesn't do the shitty small talk, they're fun yet grounded, someone who can call me out but also have a joke with me. She's into some of the same stuff as me, and she's so passionate about the things she loves. Seeing her face light up when she talks is like playing a riff- my heart beats faster and I can't get enough..." He trails off as everyone stares.

My heart beats fast as his eyes meet mine again, but this time there's something different between us. Something unspoken.

"I'm going for a smoke." Eddie says, playing it cool as he gets up and walks to the door. I watch as he leaves and feel a finger poke my cheek, I turn to see Robin grinning at me.

"Don't just sit there, go talk to him." She smiles.

I get up, take a deep breath, and follow Eddie.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now