Imagine- Combing Comforts

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AN: Here's a fluffy one to make up for the sad one before ♡

I sigh as I scribble at my paper, writing the last sentence. As soon as I'm done, Eddie sits up from where he's been lounging on my bed, and asks "Are you finally done, it's past midnight?"

I nod and get up from my desk, rubbing my eyes as I grab my pyjamas and begin getting changed. Eddie throws his magazine to the floor and stretches his arms above his head, groaning.

With a heavy breath, I slump onto my bed face first and let out a sound of frustration. I'm still so stressed even though I've finished the paper, is that weird?" I mumble, looking up at Eddie who's shuffled forward, he smiles down at me and shakes his head.

"You're a worrier, you'll do fine, besides, isn't it way past your bedtime?" He murmurs, his hand digs into my hair as he begins massaging my head.

I let out a happy sound and huff, "Yeah, but my mind's too, gahhh, to be sleepy." I whine.

Eddie "Hmmms" for a second, then leans down and whispers in my ear. "Grab that comb from over there and sit up."

I frown in confusion, but Eddie just stays silent and watches as I do as he instructs. I sit on the bed, crossing my legs as Eddie scoots behind me, his hands gently grab my hair and I feel the comb begin to slide through the strands.

Eddie Munson is brushing my hair...

It feels really good though, and within seconds I'm already tingly and sleepy. His brushes are so gentle compared to my absolute mayhem of brushing, he takes his time and begins to softly hum as he brushes.

"When I was little, my mom used to brush and play with my hair when I got all worked up, I'd always feel better afterwards." Eddie quietly murmurs near my ear.

He doesn't usually open up this much, especially not about his mom, so I just nod and let him continue.

My eyes begin to feel heavy and I can feel myself leaning more and more backwards, until I'm practically leaning on Eddie's chest.

"Alright sweetheart, I think someone's now ready for bed." He whispers as I move to lie down, Eddie follows as I lie on my side, he turns off the lamp and curls up behind me, his arm resting under my head as he hugs me. "I'm so proud of you." He whispers as he kisses to back of my head.

His other hand comes up my pyjamas, stroking my back lullingly as I drift off to sleep.

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