Imagine- Turned Rebel

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"You're a real asshole, you know that?" I say, my voice wobbling as the my friends laugh, but my boyfr...ex-boyfriend just shrugs it off and wraps his arm around his new conquest.

Without another word, I snatch up my bag and stomp out of the cafeteria and down the empty corridors, pushing my way out of the school doors with more force than necessary. I don't have a plan or anywhere to go, so I just walk around the school, heading towards the field.

Grey clouds coat the sky, and the trees look too threatening for me to go into the woods, so I decide to sit on the bleachers to try and gather my thoughts.

A few seconds later, the tears begin to fall, and for once I let them. How could I have been so blind?

"Rough day?" A voice hesitantly asks, breaking me out of my sorrows.

Quickly I sniffle and wipe my eyes with the back of my hands, looking around for the person who spoke. A shadow walks out from behind the steps, and a plume of smoke follows.

Eddie Munson raises an eyebrow at my puzzled expression, flicking his ash away as he takes the bench below me, he spins around to face me, taking another drag.

"Something like that" I mumble, remembering to reply as he watches me with curiosity. I look away, but can't help the feeling of his eyes on me.

"Let me guess, you got a B instead of an A?" Eddie sarcastically asks, huffing a laugh as he leans back.

I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms, pulling my bag to my chest as a form of comfort. "No, I just found out my boyfriend was hooking up with someone else."

Eddie's mouth opens, as if he's realised his mistake. I'm about to snap at him but he interrupts, holding out his hands in a surrender as he mumbles a "Sorry."

I hold back my retort and nod, breathing out as I look up at the gloomy sky. "Fuck high school, it's such a performance." I mutter.

Eddie scoffs so I sit up, expecting another sarcastic comment or judgemental look, however Eddie just smiles at me as if he's surprised by my outburst.

"Yeah," he says with a smile after a few seconds, "I know what you mean. Think we should just turn tail and run away from this place?"

I smirk and scoot down a step so I'm sitting next to him. With a sudden boldness I snatch his cigarette and inhale the smoke, coughing afterwards as Eddie stares at me.

"Nah, I think we should stay and give everyone the middle finger." I laugh, passing the cigarette to Eddie. He takes it and nods his head once.

"You're actually pretty cool, wanna team up and take on the rest of high school together?" He asks, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Are you asking me out?" I smirk, standing up and putting my bag on my shoulder.

Eddie shrugs but it implies he is. In answer I beckon out my hand and say "Come on then, let's go do something stupid."

Eddie grins and quickly stands up, taking my hand.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now