Imagine- Stupid Dude

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"Yeah, well screwed you too asshole!" I shout as my now ex-boyfriend drives out of the parking lot, leaving me stranded as a boom of thunder fills the silence.

I slump on the curb as rain begins to pour, feeling abandoned, scared and angry. I lift my head and only see a few cars left in the lot, so my chances of making it home tonight are slim.

Tears fill my eyes as my lip wobbles, but I bite it so I don't cry. I don't want to appear even weaker than I already look.

"Hey, you okay down there?" A voice asks, I turn my head behind me to see a tall man I recognise as Eddie Munson standing hesitantly behind me.

I shake my head and go back to my previous position, my eyes stare at the puddles forming as my hair sticks to my cheeks. I'm drenched and shivering.

Eddie "Uhhhhh's" uncomfortably before perching next to me, getting wet too from the heavy rainfall. A flash of lightening brightens up his face as I see his eyes on me, but then it goes dark again.

"What are you doing?" I murmur, my voice thick with tears. Eddie shrugs as if it's obvious.

"You shouldn't be alone, it's not safe. Hey, want me to drive you home?" He asks quietly. I contemplate saying no, since I've only heard bad things about him, but looking at him slouched over as he fiddles with his shoelace, he doesn't seem as mean or scary as everyone says.

"If you don't mind, I'm sorry I'm being dramatic." I ramble, getting up and wiping my wet palms on my wet jeans, doing nothing to dry them.

Eddie nods and points to a van under a street lamp. I nod and we both jog to it, he unlocks my side and opens the door so I hop in, and notice the smell of cigarettes and the messy floor, but hey, at least he can drive.

"Sorry about the mess." He nervously laughs as he gets in. As soon as he starts the engine, some heavy guitar begins to play, he winces and turns it down as he puts the heater on, rubbing his hands together as the wipers click clack.

"Sooooo, where do you live?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously. I tell him and he nods, then begins driving. It's quiet for a few minutes until he sighs and finally asks "I know it's none of my business, but why were you alone?"

I lick my lips and take a deep breath, and reply "My boyfriend confessed to cheating on me, we broke up, and he left me there."

Eddie frowns and looks at me for a second, then mumbles "Stupid dude." I huff a laugh and nod, "Yeah, he wasn't my best decision."

Eddie turns down my street and I point out my house, he brakes but keeps the engine running. "I-I liked your show tonight." I shyly smile, before opening the door. Eddie grabs my arm but suddenly let's go.

"I'm glad, I'd like it- I mean-ugh- you could hang out with me some time, you know, like go on a..." He leads off, then covers his face with his hand.

Is Eddie freaking Munson blushing?

I smile and nod, putting him out of his misery. "I'd love to hang out some time, I'll see you Monday at school Eddie."

He nods and grins, so I shut the door and dash to my house, waving at Eddie who still lingers in the driveway, waiting until I'm inside before he leaves.

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