Imagine- The Dealer Says No

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TW: Drug addiction

Yet again I slip Eddie Munson a note in English class, asking if we can meet up in the woods so we can do another deal. His lips press together but he nods anyway. It's only Wednesday and this is the second deal of the week, things are getting more stressful and I'm desperate for another fix of that peaceful bliss.

As soon as lunch begins I ditch my so called friends and head straight for the woods, my steps quick as I plan on getting my drugs and going home, skipping the rest of school.

"Run out already?" Eddie asks as he sits at the wooden bench, resting his head in his hand as he watches me approach.

I shrug and stand in front of the bench, my palms sweat as he continues to look at me, observe me.

"What?" I snap, shaking my head in anger and desperation, "Have you got it?" I add.

Eddie nods but sighs, then stands up. My eyes drift from the lunchbox he uses to his brown eyes. "I'm not giving you any more." He murmurs, crossing his arms as he stands in front of me.

I scoff and cross my arms too, "Really? I know you need the money Munson, I'll even pay double."

"No." He says quickly, no contempation. My eyebrows furrow as I try to work out his angle, none of this benefits him, so why is he refusing?

"Please Eddie, just give me-" I begin, but Eddie interrupts. "No," he says softly, "trust me, I've been there, and I know avoiding your problems is easier than confronting them, but addiction is serious shit."

I let out a sarcastic laugh and step back, rolling my eyes as I reply "Addiction?"

Eddie's lips thin but he nods, following me as I pace around the area. "At first it's just one fix, but then you realise it's an easy escape, so you have more, and then before you know it, it's like you can't survive a day without it. You're waiting for that next hit, but what you don't think about is the shit you're missing out on. It's fair enough you're running from something, but you're also running past stuff too."

My eyes water as his words hit home. I've never thought about it that way before and now I'm questing whether Eddie's right. Am I addicted? Oh my God, I'm an addict. I'm-

My knees give in as I slump against a tree, the tears finally flowing as realisation hits. Eddie's there within seconds, crouching in front of me with his hand on my knee comfortingly.

"Nobody was there for me when I needed them, but I'm not gonna let you deal with this alone. 'Kay?" He softly mumbles, his thumb brushing in a soothing motion.

I nod and look up at his face, seeing the raw emotion of guilt and understanding. "What am I gonna do?" I weaky say, my voice thick.

Eddie licker his lips and then brushes a stray tear away. "First we're gonna go and get pancakes and coffee, then we're gonna talk or find you someone to talk to. After that...we'll take it one day at a time, together."

I nod and finally allow myself a genuine smile, "Together."

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