Imagine- It Hasn't Worked Yet PT 2

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It's almost nine and a lot of people have disappeared from the school dance, probably to the numerous after parties the popular kids are hosting. I wave goodbye to my friends as they sit on their dates laps, basking in the affection.

I wait outside in the car park where Eddie said he'd pick me up, the chilly breeze makes me shiver but I'm reluctant to go back inside since all I'll witness is ignorance like I have all night.

Minutes pass and I end up crossing my arms against the cold. My dress sways with the wind as I sigh, come on Eddie where are you?

Eddie's POV:
I lie on my bed, the effects of my last few smokes are wearing off, and I contemplate reaching under my bed for something more harsh, but the clock on my bedside table appears. "Shit, shit, shit!" I curse, sitting up and racing to the front door, hating myself even more for forgetting to pick Y/N.

In no time I arrive back at school, the car park is virtually empty apart from one car with its headlights on, two people linger about and I recognise Patrick from senior year. I do a double take when I realise it's Y/N he's standing with.

Leaving the engine running, I quickly get out and walk over to her, a massive apology lingers on my tongue. Y/N looks at me before giving me an angry look and turning her back.

"I'm so sorry, I swear I just lost track of time." I say, placing a hand on her elbow. Patrick smirks then steps in front of her as if he's protecting her, but I know his habits of taking pretty girls home for one night only.

"Come on man, she's done with you." He replies, puffing out his chest. I stare at him before scoffing and trying to step around the asshole, but he blocks my way.

"I don't wanna do this man."  I say, trying to convince him to step down. Y/N's eyes dart between me and Patrick, and she finally backs away from him.

"Where you going? I thought you wanted me to take you home?" Patrick frowns at Y/N, she visibly steps from foot to foot, feeling anxious.

"Eddie's here now, I just didn't want to be stranded." She nervously laughs. Patrick huffs and backs away when he sees my fists clench.

"Tease." He murmurs under his breath. I step forward to punch him but Y/N pulls me back. We both watch as he speeds out of the car park, leaving us alone.

Suddenly small hands push me away, "Why are you late asshole!" She shouts, crossing her arms and staring up at me.

I open my mouth to apologise, but pause when I see tears line her eyes. Immediately I cup her cheeks with both hands, shit I hate seeing her upset, and it kills me that I'm the reason.

"Sweetheart, I swear I lost track of time." I mumble, leaning down to look into her eyes. She holds my gaze then sighs, uncrossing her arms she turns around and begins walking to the van. I begin to follow her, but then stop in my tracks. No. No more following her around, I'm telling her tonight. Now.

I'm heading in the direction of the van until Eddie stops. I turn around and quirk an eyebrow at him, gone is my anger since its now replaced with confusion.

Eddie takes a breath as he anxiously fidgets with his hair. "Y/N..." He begins, I nod for him to continue.

"I've always thought that love doesn't exist, that it's some stupid social construct, I'd never thought I'd ever experience it, but then I met a girl. I didn't even anticipate her coming along, but she did, and I'm so glad I met her, because she's the love of my life. I know, stupid right?" Eddie rambles, staring anywhere but me.

I bite my lip to contain the jealously, "I'm sure she's very lucky, you should tell her." I mumble.

Eddie huffs a laugh and looks up at me, "I am telling her." The realisation clicks and I gasp, eyes widening.

Eddie opens his arms, "Well...I guess you know. I'm sorry if this changes things between u-"

Before he can finish the sentence, I'm already rushing towards him, wrapping my arms tightly around his middle as he squeezes me back. Eddie let's out a relieved sigh and rests his chin on my head.

"I've loved you for so long that I've forgotten a life without you." Eddie mumbles, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Stop talking, you're running the moment." I whisper.

We both stay like that, in the middle of an empty moonlit car park, in love and together.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now