School Dance Headcanon

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As much as Eddie hates school dances, he has attended a couple in the past just to see what all the fuss is about. Plus in middle school he had a crush on some girl and wanted to try and impress her.

Wayne helps Eddie with his tie, and teaches him how to impress a girl. Eddie doesn't really get it though, and Wayne just reassures him that he'll find the right one eventually.

Eddie refuses to conform to the usual school dance attire, often dressing in jeans rather than dress pants. He also wears his trainers.

If you're dating Eddie, he'll come to any dances with you, but only to make sure you're having fun and nobody's flirting with you. He pretends to hate it, but he actually loves dancing with you and laughing.

When he first sees you dressed up, his jaw drops and he does that clichè thing where he's literally speechless. He'll bow and kiss your hand, calling you "M'lady" as he escorts you to his van.

After the dance, he can't wait to get you out of the fancy clothes, because you've both been teasing each other the whole night.

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