Imagine- Her Restful Face

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AN: I don't think I've ever written in Eddie's POV before, so I'm giving it a go and hoping it turns out okay🙈

Eddie's POV:

I let out a sigh as my fingers tap against the steering wheel gently to the beat of the drum, I turned the music down a few minutes ago since Y/N told me she waw getting tired, so I replied "Then take a short nap sweetheart."

I look to my left to see Y/N's head lolling against the window, her eyes are shut and even in her sleep I still think about how I'm completely wrapped around her finger, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I turn back to the road, carefully slowing down from my usual carelessness, the last thing I want is to put my girl in danger. I slow down and avoid a pothole just in case it wakes Y/N, problem averted. Y/N begins to snore softly, her mouth parts slightly as she moves her head, causing some her to fall in her eyes. Holding the steering wheel with one hand, I reach out and brush it away from her eyes. She smiles gently and I swear my heart skips a beat.

How ironic, I've gone from my usual cynical self to now full on obsession over the love of my life. Shit, the love of my life?

I turn down her road, approaching her driveway slowly, then turn off the engine. Y/N says asleep, and I consider reversing and driving all night if it keeps her happy, but I know she'd also be pissed at me for wasting gas. I smile one last time at her sleeping form, then gently shake her shoulder.

"Princess, we've arrived at your castle." I tease. Y/N wakes up with a snort and a groan, I love when she does things like that, it makes me want to kiss the shit out of her.

"Already?" She mumbles, rubbing her gorgeous eyes with the back of her hand. I can't help but to reach out and take her hand in mine, pressing a kiss to the back of it before hopping out and jogging to the other side before she can open the door.

I open the passenger door for her and hold out a hand which she takes, her warmth grounds me and I remember to be a gentleman and let her climb out rather than grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder.

She jumps out and I shut the door for her, then I lead her to the front door. She yawns and I grin, watching as she tries to blink away her tiredness. "Want to come in?" She softly asks, a playful smile crosses her face.

Do I ever, but that's really not a good idea. "I should head home, and you should head to bed before you pass out." I reply, tapping the tip of her nose.

She nods and leans up, pressing a sweet kiss to my mouth. Her lips are my heaven and I swear I'd climb from Hell for her.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I murmur, cupping her cheek for a brief second until she backs away and gives me a small wave, then heads into her house.

I smile the whole way home, completely and utterly smitten.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now