Imagine- Princess

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I sit cross legged on the worn couch, watching as Corroded Coffin practice their new song for the fifth time today, as much as I love it, I'm not a fan of hearing it so much in such a short space of time.

I bookmark my novel and close it, stretching my arms over my head as Eddie tells the band to have a break. He walks over to me, sitting on the arm of the couch as he drinks from his water bottle.

"What do you think? Good enough for The Garden?" He smiles, wiping some excess water away from his mouth with the back of his hand. I nod, putting my hand on his knee.

"Ozzy would be proud." I proudly say, watching as Eddie's eyes light up. He reaches out and puts a hand on top of my head, his fingers gently scratch as I lean more towards him.

"Eddie..." I lead off, using a tone to imply I want something. Eddie smirks as he looks down at me, lifting a single brow since he knows what's coming next.

"Yes sweetheart?" He asks.

I avoid his eyes as I play with the rips in his jeans. "Can we maybe go get some food? Or we could order a pizza? I'm hungry and it's been hours since I last ate..."

Eddie's eyes crinkle as he grins at me, "You want pizza?"

I nod, giving him the most adorable puppy eyes I can muster. Luckily for me, the rest of the band overhears and all pipe up.

"Yeah, pizza sounds great!"
"Only if we're getting onion rings too!"
"Dude, let's do it!"

I look to them and then back at Eddie, who shakes his head ruefully and nods, standing up and grabbing his wallet.

"Whatever the princess wants, the princess gets." He murmurs, passing me some money. I stand up to accept it, reaching on my tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you!"

"Hey, aren't you gonna call us something sweet too, like you're gummy bears or some shit?" Gareth laughs. Eddie flips him off as I hide my smile behind my hand, heading to the phone inside the house.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now