Imagine- Lucky Bat

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"Is everyone alright?" Steve asks after we all come back from the Upside Down after momentarily getting stuck.

Everyone nods except for me, I hold my shoulder where a Demobat decided to take a bite. The pain throbs and I slump onto a nearby couch, my face scrunching up as I bite my lip.

"Shit!" Eddie curses, rushing to me and kneeling by my side. His eyes are wide as he looks from me to the wound. He carefully places a hand over mine and nudges it away, revealing the bleeding out bite.

Everyone stares at me, and I feel a mix of embarrassment and anger. Eddie senses this because he turns around and shakes his head, angrily asking "Want to come closer and get a better view?" Eddie's arms wrap around me as he carefully pulls me up and leads me to the bathroom, closing the door behind him as I sit on the edge of the bath.

"How're you feeling? Not gonna die on me are you Y/L/N?" He nervously laughs. I give him a pointed look before tilting my mouth in a small smile despite the pain.

"Peachy, I hope the damn bat was happy with his meal." I mumble, wincing as I watch Eddie scrounge through the cupboard for a first aid kit.

"Lucky bat." Eddie whispers. I only just hear it but pretend I didn't.

Eddie kneels in front of me and looks up, his eyes full of concern. "This is going to hurt, punch me if it's too much." He murmurs, before grabbing a cloth and pouring some disinfectant on it, he quickly presses the cloth to my wound and it absolutely burns.

I hiss in pain, letting out a squeak. Eddie's other hand rubs my leg comfortingly as he coos "I know sweetheart, I'm sorry."

He gently wipes away the blood before grabbing a bandage and standing up, he places the plaster like bandage over my shoulder, his thumb rubs gently to make sure it's stuck, but I soon notice his touch lingers.

I turn my face, lips inches away from his as my breath catches. "Thank you." I murmur as Eddie nods, his eyes dart to my lips and I lean forward...

"Are you still alive?" Steve shouts, knocking on the door as Eddie jumps away from me.

I let out a shaky breath and nod even though he can't see me. "I'm okay!" I shout, my eyes never leaving Eddie's.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now