Imagine- Shooting Stars

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AN: Is anyone else keeping an eye out for the comet tonight? I'm really hoping I can see it!

"Come on, we're gonna miss it!" Eddie excitedly says, rushing to help me wrap my scarf around my neck as he drags me out the door.

"Okay, okay!" I laugh, stumbling out of the door as it closes behind me. The trailer park is pitch black other than a few dim lights coming from the windows of Eddie's neighbours, it's so quiet I can hear owls hooting and the trees in the small chilly breeze.

Eddie climbs up the ladder he set up earlier, so I follow his lead. At the top of his trailer Eddie holds out a hand and pulls me up, but I end up losing my balance and falling on his chest.

We both laugh as our breaths fog up in the cold, Eddie's arms wrap around me as he leans forward and attempts to press a kiss to my mouth, but his eyes travel to the sky behind me and his eyes widen.

"Wow," he breathes, a grin forming on his face as I huff and roll off of him, sitting beside Eddie I look up into the darkness and see what he's so amazed about. The sky is littered with bright stars, some falling as others twinkle, combined with the full moon it looks magical.

"This is so cool!" I whisper, shivering as Eddie wraps an arm around my shoulders, I look to see his eyes full of childlike wonder.

"Did you know, technically we're all made up of stars?" Eddie mumbles, finding my hand as he links our fingers together.

"Is that why I always wonder what you are?" I laugh, making a reference to the classic nursery rhyme.

Eddie fake laughs and pulls a funny face as he squeezes me closer. "Funny. I was gonna say that if we're both made up of stars, technically we've been together forever, and we'll never be separated, not in any universe."

The genuine look on Eddie's face makes me pause, and for some reason I can't think of anything to say. Though his words are cheesy, I'm unbelievably touched.

"I fucking love you." I whisper, looking into his bright brown eyes as he gazes down at me lovingly.

"I fucking love you too sweetheart." He breathes out, pressing a kiss to my lips. We stay snuggled for a little while longer as the stars rain down on us, but eventually I get too cold and Eddie insists on going back inside.

"Come on, let's go get you defrosted." He chuckles, leading me back inside.

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