Imagine- Made Up Memories

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"I'll do it." I say, standing up as everyone stares at me, somber looks on all their faces.

"Nope, absolutely not. No way." Eddie exclaims, shaking his head and crossing his arms over his chest. I glance at Max, who looks as terrified as I feel.

"Would you rather put the 15 year old in danger then?" I ask Eddie a little angrily. His lips thin as he continues to stare at me.

"All right, you'll go to Creel house and get Vecna's attention since you're, you know, cursed. We'll do the rest." Dustin says to me.

I nod as Eddie's eyebrows knit together in a look of pure worry.

"I survived once, I'll just do it again." I mumble as he stands up and pulls me towards him.

"I can't lose you. I can't." He whispers, squeezing the air out of me. I grip his shoulders and hug him back, expressing everything I can't say right how.

------Later on. Creel House, upstairs------

I sit on the floorboards, taking off my headphones and take a deep breath.

"I'm here asshole, you wanted a victim, I'm done fighting you!" I shout, trying to antagonise Vecna.

It works because the room begins to change to something eerily familiar. Eddie's trailer.

I inhale a shuddery breath and clench my fists, focusing on the happy memories me and Eddie have created here in the last month we've been together.

"Eddie?" I call out, looking over my shoulder as I feel I'm being watched.

There's no answer, so I gather my courage and slowly walk towards Eddie's room. I begin to hear noises, like someone in pain. Oh god,not Eddie I think to myself as I rush through his door.

I find my worst nightmare in front of me. Eddie's sprawled out on the bed as some cheerleader from school is on top of him, they're making out and his arms are wrapped around her.

Tears form in my eyes as Eddie gently pushes the girl back and smiles at me as if nothing happened.

"You're here? Why are you here?" He asks, standing up in just his jeans. I stand frozen to the spot, unable to move as he stops in front of me. "Oh, you thought you were the only one? Even though we had something? Sweetheart I figured you'd realise that I just don't love you. If anything you're a little annoying." He coos, cupping my cheek as tears stream down.

This isn't real I say to myself, but my heart is splitting in half and it feels so real. It hurts to much.

"Just stop fighting," Eddie says, but it no longer sounds like Eddie, "give up and it'll all be over. Isn't that what you want, to stop all these thoughts running through your head?"

I shake my head and close my eyes, "You're not really here, it isn't real. You're game is over and you're done."

I open them to find the trailer completely annihilated. Vines crawl everywhere and specks float about. Vecna stands where Eddie stood, a sharp finger pointed at me.

"It's only begun." He says deeply before plunging a finger into my chest. It feels like a knife is stuck inside of me. I can't breathe. Can't think. All I can do is flay about as I die.

"Come back to me Sweetheart, you've been gone too long!" A familiar voice shouts. It echoes around me as my vision darkens. What a sick sense of humour this tentacles son of a bitch has, forcing me to hear Eddie's voice before I'm ripped away from him.

"No, no, no!" Eddie shouts, the desperation in his voice makes me wonder if it's real.

"I'm here, right in front of you. You're at Creel House, remember? We found another distraction, I got out of there and came to help you. God, please don't do this to me!" Eddie shouts, his voice breaking.

A light appears and I see myself floating in the air, Eddie's hands reach for me as tears fall down his face.

"Eddie!" I mumble, reaching out for him. Vecna turns to look so I use the opportunity to force myself to get up and run towards Eddie, my feet almost trip over the vines as I run out of the bedroom of the trailer and straight ahead, over the damage of the trailer and out into the Upside Down version of the trailer park.

I reach the light-

The floor hits me so hard I can't breathe. Can't think. All I can do is gasp for air.

Strong arms wrap around me. The familiar scent of cigarette smoke and cheap cologne fills my nose.

I look around to see I'm in Creel House, Eddie's holding on to me, his face wet with tears. "Is it really you?" I whisper, sitting up and trying to back away from him.

Eddie's mouth tilts into a watery smile, "Our first date was at school. The library. We sat for hours talking when we should have been studying. You finally gave me your number after hours of convincing you." He says, recalling our meeting.

I break into a sob as Eddie's arms open for me to crawl into them. "Shhh, it's okay, it's all over, you're okay." He coos, resting his chin on my head as I grip hold of him. I notice his whole body is trembling.

"I was so scared, he got to me and I just froze. I'm so sorry." I murmur through my cries.

"You're so brave, you saved us." He mumbles, kissing my head as he gently rocks me.

We stay like that for a long time. Just finding comfort in each other's arms.

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