Goth Headcanon

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AN: This was a request, but I just wanted to mention that this is all entirely from my knowledge and perspective, obviously everyone is different and has different perceptions of these things♡

If Eddie dated a goth girl:

Eddie doesn't really have a type, but as soon as he laid eyes on the goth girl, his heart did flips, finally he saw a girl who had the potential to like the same sort of music and movies as him.

You and Eddie love to watch movies together, especially horror or dark ones. Eddie also loves to listen to you read out loud, especially from Edgar Allan Poe and H.P Lovecraft.

Eddie admires the fact you embrace who you want to be without worrying what others think. He finds it inspirational and kind of a turn on, especially when your sarcastic side comes out. Eddie stands up for you against anyone who is mean, and will even attempt a fist fight if someone such as Jason picks on you, but you hold him back most of the time.

If you dye your hair, Eddie helps pick out the colours, and often helps you to dye it. Even though the colour messes up numerous towels and gets everywhere, Eddie tries his best.

If you have tattoos, Eddie loves to kiss them and trace them when he's stressed or tired.

If you're into crystals and tarot, Eddie will embrace you anyway. He finds it interesting, and even though he's cynical about it, he'll still listen to what you have to say and will keep a crystal in his bedroom since you insisted.

You and Eddie love to walk around the woods surrounding the trailer park, admiring the nature and natural beauty of things. Eddie will try and take you on quirky dates but you often tell him you appreciate the simpler things.

You both listen to music together in his room all the time, and I mean all the time...You also go to his shows and cheer on Corroded Coffin, and the band absolutely loves you. He'd never admit it, but Eddie sometimes gets jealous when Gareth watches you for too long.

Overall, Eddie loves who you are and wouldn't change a thing about you.

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