Imagine- Chaotic Good PT 1

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AN: This is kind of my take on the Kas theory.

It's been three weeks since Vecna won. Three weeks since Hawkins went to shit and now half the towns people are either dead or running away from the chaos. Three weeks since...since Eddie sacrificed himself to save us all.

And I can't stand it. Dustin and I try to find comfort within each other since Eddie was special to both of us, but I don't think it's working. Well not for me, Dustin still has Steve, who's being such a supportive rock for him. I've even tried speaking to Eddie's uncle Wayne, but it's too much.

It's raining today, blissfully hammering down and drowning out my racing thoughts as I sit in the woods near the trailer park, on my own with my knees tucked up to my chest. Eddie and I always hung out here, so it just feels right to be here.

My breath clouds up as I begin to shiver, luckily my hood is waterproof so I'm not entirely soaked. My mind begins to wander again as I just sit here, replaying the moment of Eddie's death in my mind, and hate that I wish it was someone else. I know it's wrong, but I loved him too much to care.

Suddenly branches break from behind me. I stand up, fists up high as if they'll do me any good, especially if it's something from the Upside Down. I look around and see nothing, but I get the feeling I'm being watched.

I gulp, then stupidly shout "Who's there?" There's no answer, but a rustle from behind a tree catches my attention. With a deep breath, I step towards the sound.

"Don't." A voice calls out, sounding almost scared. I frown and look around to see if anyone else has approached, but there's nothing.

I pull down my hood, exposing my face to the rain that's slowed down as I reply "I'm not going to hurt you, just come out from hiding."

There's a moment of silence, then my world tips. Eddie steps out from behind the tree, but at the same time it doesn't feel like Eddie. There's something about him that's different. Less playful, more...predatory.

"You're alive." I whisper, my voice shakes as my knees give way. I fall to the floor, my body shaking as tears line my eyes. I half expect Eddie to come towards me, telling me it's okay, but he doesn't.

His face contorts into anguish as he stiffens, as if he's forcing himself to stay back. "You know I hate seeing you cry. I can't touch you Y/N." Eddie mumbles.

I look up and try to compose myself, I need more information unless I'm crazy and imagining he's here.

"How?" Is all I can ask.

Eddie's lips turn up ever so slightly before he begins pacing. "I died. But I didn't stay dead. I came back, I remember feeling so scared, more scared than I've ever been, and so alone. Everything was the same as it was, but everyone was gone, and Vecna was there, telling me that all I am is a tool. I have no control Y/N, he watches everything I do."

My eyes widen and I hesitate to stay, feeling less at ease with every second that passes. Eddie's head swivels towards me and in a tone I've never heard before he commands "Don't leave."

I stay dead still, breathing heavily from fear and emotional pain. "But you can fight it right? You can get away from Vecna and come back to us. Back to me." I add.

Eddie shrugs sadly, "I've tried, there's moments I feel like me again, but then he's back, talking to me and making me feel...evil."

I manage a small smile and stand up, "You're chaotic good Eddie, I know you are."

Eddie smiles at me and reaches out to touch me, but he's too far away. All of a sudden he clutches his head, his face scrunches up in pain. He doubles over and I step towards him, but he holds a hand out and I physically can't move.

"He's here. Run Y/N, go tell the others he's attacking soon, tell El to be ready, I love you." He grits out.

I sob but nod, backing away I turn and run away as fast as I can, but every step feels like I'm running on nails.

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