Imagine- Locked

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"Eddie..." I worriedly say as I pull at the doorhandle to the art closet. We needed a place to talk without people hearing, and this was the first place that came to mind.

"What's wrong?" He asks, coming behind me and putting his hands on my shoulders. I gesture and the door handle and sigh.

Eddie narrows his eyes before trying the handle. It doesn't budge. He tries it again with more force, but to no avail it still doesn't open.

"Son of a bitch!" Eddie curses, half heartedly kicking the door before coming to sit next to me on the floor.

I stare at the door, willing it to open. "It'll be alright, someone will come and open it, I mean there's still last period, right?" Eddie mumbles, more to himself than me.

I nod and bite my nails. I cannot be trapped in here, I don't do well with my personal space being taken away from me.

Eddie gently pulls my hand away from my mouth and holds it on his lap. "It's mine now, you can't be trusted with it." He shrugs, before leaning his head back against the shelves of paint.

I stare at Eddie with one eyebrow quirked. "How are you so okay with this?" I ask incredulously, shaking my head as I begin to bite my nails on my other hand.

Eddie frowns so I put my hand under my butt to keep from doing it again. "You mean being stuck in an enclosed space with a beautiful girl, hmmm let me see..." He teases, leaning his head towards me as he laughs.

I smile and nudge him with my elbow. "I'm being serious," I respond, "Aren't you worried?"

Eddie shrugs again, and lets go of my hand. "It's not how I expected last period to go, but I know it'll be alright. Besides, it's pretty ironic if I die in here, I mean a work of art dying inside of an art closet, typical Munson move."

I snort as he grins, his eyes crinkle as I double over in laughter. I'm absolutely delirious. "You're such a dude, mister big ego Munson."

Eddie stares at me before pulling a bag of craft feathers down from the shelf. They fall out of the bag and float down all around us like confetti. A few get caught in Eddie's hair, but most surround us in a carpet of colour.

"Was that necessary, it looks like you murdered a Dodo bird!" I giggle, grabbing a pot of glitter and sprinkling some on his head.

Eddie goes to speak but the door suddenly opens and a stunned teacher stands with her jaw open.

"Detention!" She hisses, analysing the mess of feathers and glitter.

I bite my lip as Eddie stands up and holds out a hand, I take it and mutter an apology but the teacher stops me.

"Not you Y/N, I know you wouldn't have any part of this, Mr Munson here obviously compelled you to do this." She says, and my eyes widen.

Eddie nods and clamps a hand over my mouth before I have time to object.

"That's right, I trapped us in here and made a mess, I'll take the detention on Thursday." He sweetly says, before shoving me in front of him and out of the classroom.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask as Eddie wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"Because sweetheart, I don't want you getting in trouble. Don't thank me, just come on a date with me on Friday."

I nod as he winks at me, and we walk down the empty corridor.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now