Reading Headcanon

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Though it's briefly hinted at in the show, Eddie often visits the library. And it's obvious he's a fan of the Tolkien books, so I'm guessing he's a reader.

Eddie struggles to get into a book, often he moves a lot and keeps looking away from the book. But when he's into a book, he's into it.

He'll full on ignore his surroundings and do that tongue thing as he concentrates, and you often smirk at him without him knowing.

You both read together and sometimes he likes to lay on your lap or chest as you read to him, that's one of his favourite things to do with you.

He gets so excited talking about books he's read and I feel like he's definitely dog eared LOTR from rereads and possible annotating.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now